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gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PDFAnnot (int l, int b, int r, int t, String s)
 PDFAnnot (int l, int b, int r, int t, PDFObject dest)
 PDFAnnot (int l, int b, int r, int t, PDFObject dest, int fl, int fb, int fr, int ft)
void setBorder (short style, double width)
void setBorder (double width, double dash[])
void write (OutputStream os) throws IOException

Static Public Attributes

final short SOLID = 0
final short DASHED = 1
final short BEVELED = 2
final short INSET = 3
final short UNDERLINED = 4

Protected Member Functions

 PDFAnnot (String s, int l, int b, int r, int t)

Detailed Description

This class defines an annotation (commonly known as a Bookmark).

Eric Z. Beard,

Peter T Mount,

2001/11/16 15:26:04

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::PDFAnnot String  s,
int  l,
int  b,
int  r,
int  t
[inline, protected]

This is used to create an annotation.

s Subtype for this annotation
l Left coordinate
b Bottom coordinate
r Right coordinate
t Top coordinate

gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::PDFAnnot int  l,
int  b,
int  r,
int  t,
String  s

Creates a text annotation

l Left coordinate
b Bottom coordinate
r Right coordinate
t Top coordinate
s Text for this annotation

gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::PDFAnnot int  l,
int  b,
int  r,
int  t,
PDFObject  dest

Creates a link annotation

l Left coordinate
b Bottom coordinate
r Right coordinate
t Top coordinate
dest Destination for this link. The page will fit the display.

gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::PDFAnnot int  l,
int  b,
int  r,
int  t,
PDFObject  dest,
int  fl,
int  fb,
int  fr,
int  ft

Creates a link annotation

l Left coordinate
b Bottom coordinate
r Right coordinate
t Top coordinate
dest Destination for this link
fl Left coordinate
fb Bottom coordinate
fr Right coordinate
ft Top coordinate (must be in User Coordinates)

Member Function Documentation

void gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::setBorder double  width,
double  dash[]

Sets the border for the annotation. Unlike the other method, this produces a dashed border.

Important: the annotation must have been added to the document before this is used. If the annotation was created using the methods in PDFPage, then the annotation is already in the document.

width Width of the border
dash Array of lengths, used for drawing the dashes. If this is null, then the default of {3} is used.

void gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::setBorder short  style,
double  width

Sets the border for the annotation. By default, no border is defined.

If the style is DASHED, then this method uses PDF's default dash scheme {3}

Important: the annotation must have been added to the document before this is used. If the annotation was created using the methods in PDFPage, then the annotation is already in the document.

width Width of the border

void gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::write OutputStream  os  )  throws IOException [inline, virtual]

Should this be public??

os OutputStream to send the object to
IOException on error

Implements gnu::jpdf::PDFObject.

Member Data Documentation

final short gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::BEVELED = 2 [static]

The border is drawn in a beveled style (faux three-dimensional) such that it looks as if it is pushed out of the page (opposite of INSET)

final short gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::DASHED = 1 [static]

The border is drawn with a dashed line.

final short gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::INSET = 3 [static]

The border is drawn in an inset style (faux three-dimensional) such that it looks as if it is inset into the page (opposite of BEVELED)

final short gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::SOLID = 0 [static]

Solid border. The border is drawn as a solid line.

final short gnu::jpdf::PDFAnnot::UNDERLINED = 4 [static]

The border is drawn as a line on the bottom of the annotation rectangle

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