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gnu::jpdf::PDFJob::graphic Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for gnu::jpdf::PDFJob::graphic:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for gnu::jpdf::PDFJob::graphic:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Graphics create ()
PrintJob getPrintJob ()

Package Functions

 graphic (PDFPage page, PDFJob job)
 graphic (PDFPage page, PDFJob job, PrintWriter pw)

Detailed Description

This inner class extends PDFGraphics for the PrintJob.

Like with java.awt, Graphics instances created with PrintJob implement the PrintGraphics interface. Here we implement that method, and overide PDFGraphics.create() method, so all instances have this interface.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gnu::jpdf::PDFJob::graphic::graphic PDFPage  page,
PDFJob  job
[inline, package]

page to attach to
job PDFJob containing this graphic

gnu::jpdf::PDFJob::graphic::graphic PDFPage  page,
PDFJob  job,
PrintWriter  pw
[inline, package]

This is used by our version of create()

Member Function Documentation

Graphics gnu::jpdf::PDFJob::graphic::create  )  [inline]

This returns a child instance of this Graphics object. As with AWT, the affects of using the parent instance while the child exists, is not determined.

This method is used to make a new Graphics object without going to a new page

Once complete, the child should be released with it's dispose() method which will restore the graphics state to it's parent.

Graphics object

Reimplemented from gnu::jpdf::PDFGraphics.

PrintJob gnu::jpdf::PDFJob::graphic::getPrintJob  )  [inline]

This is the PrintGraphics interface

PrintJob for this object

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Generated on Wed Jan 19 16:58:07 2005 by  doxygen