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gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput Member List

This is the complete list of members for gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput, including all inherited members.

baosgnu::jpdf::PDFOutput [protected]
close()gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput [inline, protected]
infoIDgnu::jpdf::PDFOutput [protected]
offsetgnu::jpdf::PDFOutput [protected]
offsetsgnu::jpdf::PDFOutput [protected]
osgnu::jpdf::PDFOutput [protected]
PDFOutput(OutputStream os)gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput [inline]
rootIDgnu::jpdf::PDFOutput [protected]
write(PDFObject ob)gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput [inline, protected]
writeblock(int firstid, Vector block)gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput [inline, protected]

Generated on Wed Jan 19 16:58:07 2005 by  doxygen