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gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PDFOutput (OutputStream os) throws IOException

Protected Member Functions

void write (PDFObject ob) throws IOException
void close () throws IOException
void writeblock (int firstid, Vector block) throws IOException

Protected Attributes

OutputStream os
ByteArrayOutputStream baos
int offset
Vector offsets
PDFObject rootID
PDFObject infoID

Detailed Description

This class is used to write a PDF document. It acts as a wrapper to a real OutputStream, but is necessary for certain internal PDF structures to be built correctly.

Peter T. Mount

Eric Z. Beard,

2001/10/29 19:51:08

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput::PDFOutput OutputStream  os  )  throws IOException [inline]

This creates a PDF OutputStream

os The output stream to write the PDF file to.

Member Function Documentation

void gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput::close  )  throws IOException [inline, protected]

This closes the Stream, writing the xref table

void gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput::write PDFObject  ob  )  throws IOException [inline, protected]

This method writes a PDFObject to the stream.

ob PDFObject Obeject to write
IOException on error

void gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput::writeblock int  firstid,
Vector  block
throws IOException [inline, protected]

Writes a block of references to the PDF file

firstid ID of the first reference in this block
block Vector containing the references in this block
IOException on write error

Member Data Documentation

ByteArrayOutputStream gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput::baos [protected]

This is the OutputStream used to write each object to.

We use a separate stream, because we need to keep track of how many bytes have been written for each object for the xref table to work correctly.

PDFObject gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput::infoID [protected]

This is used to track the /Info object (info)

int gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput::offset [protected]

This is the current position within the stream

Vector gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput::offsets [protected]

This vector contains offsets of each object

OutputStream gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput::os [protected]

This is the actual OutputStream used to write to.

PDFObject gnu::jpdf::PDFOutput::rootID [protected]

This is used to track the /Root object (catalog)

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