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gov::lbl::genome::gui::Debug Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for gov::lbl::genome::gui::Debug:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Debug (String name)
void debug (Object o, String msg)
void debug (Object o)
void debugOn ()
void debugOff ()
void setDebugMode (boolean mode)

Static Public Member Functions

void debugException (Throwable e)
void setDebugExceptions (boolean status)
void error (Object o, String msg)

Public Attributes

String buffer = ""

Static Public Attributes

Debug init = new Debug("debugInit")
Debug comm = new Debug("debugComm")
Debug action = new Debug("debugAction")

Detailed Description

Title: Debug

Description: Provide debug output for the applet

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Company: LBNL

Michael Teplitsky

Member Function Documentation

void gov::lbl::genome::gui::Debug::debug Object  o  )  [inline]

Print a message to the standatd output

o Object

void gov::lbl::genome::gui::Debug::debug Object  o,
String  msg

Print a message to the standatd output

o Object
msg String

void gov::lbl::genome::gui::Debug::debugException Throwable  e  )  [inline, static]

Print an error's stackTrace.

e Throwable

void gov::lbl::genome::gui::Debug::debugOff  )  [inline]

Disable debug printing

void gov::lbl::genome::gui::Debug::debugOn  )  [inline]

Enable debug printing

void gov::lbl::genome::gui::Debug::error Object  o,
String  msg
[inline, static]

Print a message to the standatd output

o Object
msg String

void gov::lbl::genome::gui::Debug::setDebugExceptions boolean  status  )  [inline, static]

enable or disable printing of exceptions

status boolean

void gov::lbl::genome::gui::Debug::setDebugMode boolean  mode  )  [inline]

Set debug mode

mode boolean

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