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sjg::xml::Element Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for sjg::xml::Element:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Attribute getAttribute (String name)
boolean hasAttribute (String name)
Enumeration elements ()
Enumeration elements (String name)
String getName ()
Element getParent ()
String getContents ()
String toString ()

Package Functions

void addAttribute (String key, String value)
void addContents (Object o)
 Element (String name)

Detailed Description

Class that represents an XML element.

Christian Hvid

Member Function Documentation

Enumeration sjg::xml::Element::elements String  name  )  [inline]

Returns an enumeration over the subelements of this element that have the given name.

Enumeration sjg::xml::Element::elements  )  [inline]

Returns an enumeration over the mixed contents of this element - of type String or Element.

Attribute sjg::xml::Element::getAttribute String  name  )  [inline]

Returns the attribute given a name.

String sjg::xml::Element::getContents  )  [inline]

Returns a textual representation of the contents of this element.

String sjg::xml::Element::getName  )  [inline]

Returns the name of this element.

Element sjg::xml::Element::getParent  )  [inline]

Returns the parent element of this element. If no parent then null is returned.

boolean sjg::xml::Element::hasAttribute String  name  )  [inline]

Returns whether an attribute of a given name exists.

String sjg::xml::Element::toString  )  [inline]

Returns a textual representation of this element.

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Generated on Wed Jan 19 17:03:06 2005 by  doxygen