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sjg::xml::Parser Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for sjg::xml::Parser:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

Document parse (String text)
Document parse (InputStream is)
Document parse (java.applet.Applet applet, String fn)

Static Package Attributes

final int OPEN_TAG = 0
final int CLOSE_TAG = 1
final int OPEN_CLOSE_TAG = 2

Detailed Description

An xml parser. Use the static methods parse(String) or parse(InputStream)

Christian Hvid

Member Function Documentation

Document sjg::xml::Parser::parse java.applet.Applet  applet,
String  fn
[inline, static]

Load a document from an applet jar

Document sjg::xml::Parser::parse InputStream  is  )  [inline, static]

Parses an input stream.

Document sjg::xml::Parser::parse String  text  )  [inline, static]

Parses a text string.

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