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gov::lbl::genome::gui::panel::AbstractActionDialogPanel Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for gov::lbl::genome::gui::panel::AbstractActionDialogPanel:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for gov::lbl::genome::gui::panel::AbstractActionDialogPanel:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AbstractActionDialogPanel (ActionDialog ad, boolean isFirst, boolean isLast)
void enableDialogButtons ()
abstract void collectValues () throws InvalidDataEntryException
Map getValues ()

Protected Attributes

boolean first = false
boolean last = false
ActionDialog ad = null
VistaApp va
ErrorHandler eh
AbstractActionDialogPanel nextPanel = null
Map values = new HashMap()

Static Protected Attributes

final int LABEL_COL_WIDTH = 140
final int INPUT_COL_WIDTH = 200
final int ROW_HEIGHT = 20

Detailed Description

Title: AbstractActionDialogPanel

Description: Abstract panel class for dialog windows Depricated! Must be replaced by XML description. See dialogs.xml

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Company: LBNL

Lila Tretikov

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gov::lbl::genome::gui::panel::AbstractActionDialogPanel::AbstractActionDialogPanel ActionDialog  ad,
boolean  isFirst,
boolean  isLast


ad ActionDialog
isFirst boolean
isLast boolean

Member Function Documentation

abstract void gov::lbl::genome::gui::panel::AbstractActionDialogPanel::collectValues  )  throws InvalidDataEntryException [pure virtual]

collect all values from the dialog window this method must be overriden for all dialog panels


Implemented in gov::lbl::genome::gui::panel::ContigListPanel, gov::lbl::genome::gui::panel::SaveAsPanel, gov::lbl::genome::gui::panel::SearchResultsPanel, and gov::lbl::genome::gui::panel::StatPanel.

void gov::lbl::genome::gui::panel::AbstractActionDialogPanel::enableDialogButtons  )  [inline]

enable Dialog "OK" and "Cancel" Buttons remove it!

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Generated on Wed Jan 19 17:01:17 2005 by  doxygen