Package gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel

This package contains classes to draw various VGB panels.


Class Summary
AbstractActionDialogPanel Title: AbstractActionDialogPanel
AnnotationPanel Title: AnnotationPanel
AnnotationPanelPicture Title: AnnotationPanelPicture
ArrowsPanel Title: ArrowsPanel
AxisPanel Title: AxisPanel
AxisPanelPicture Title: AxisPanelPicture
BaseInfoPanel Title: BaseInfoPanel
ChromPanel Title: ChromPanel
ChromPanelPicture Title: ChromPanelPicture
ContigListPanel Title: ContigListPanel
ContigPanel Title: ContigPanel
ContigPanelPicture Title: ContigPanelPicture
CursorInfoPanel Title: CursorInfoPanel
DisplayPanel Title: DisplayPanel
GeneSearchPanel Title: GeneSearchPanel
GraphViewList Title: GraphViewList
LegendPanel Title: LegendPanel
RepeatPanel Title: RepeatPanel
RepeatPanelPicture Title: RepeatPanelPicture
SaveAsPanel This panel must be raplaced by dialogs.xml description and removed! That's why parameters are not included in VistaApp.rc
SearchResultsPanel Title:
StatPanel Title:
TracerPanel Title: TracerPanel
VGBPanel Title: VGBPanel
VistaPanel Title: VistaPanel
XAxisPanel Title: XAxisPanel

Package gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel Description

This package contains classes to draw various VGB panels.