ABCD - Static variable in class layout.TableLayoutConstraints
AboutAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: About
AboutAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.AboutAction
AboutAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.AboutAction
AbstractActionDialogPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: AbstractActionDialogPanel
AbstractActionDialogPanel(ActionDialog, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
AbstractCurveModel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: AbstractCurveModel
AbstractCurveModel(TreeMap) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
AbstractCurveView - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: AbstractCurveView
AbstractCurveView() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
AbstractGraphModel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: AbstractGraphModel
AbstractGraphModel() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
action - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.VAbstractAction
action - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
ActionDialog - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog
Title: ActionDialog
ActionDialog(JApplet, String, boolean, int, Callback) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
ActionDialog(JApplet, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
ActionDialog(JApplet) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
actionIcon - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.VAbstractAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFTest
Very basic action handler - a more robust app would use Action objects
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.BackAction
Show previous available position from history
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ForwardAction
Show next available position from history
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.VAbstractAction
Usually you do not touch this method and use overriden run() But if you want to execute your action in the same thread, then override it.
actionThread - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.VAbstractAction
activeTracerPanel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
ad - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
add(BoundingBox) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Make the specified box this box's child.
add(PDFObject) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This adds a top level object to the document.
add(String, PDFPage) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
This method creates an outline, and attaches it to this one.
add(String, PDFPage, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
This method creates an outline, and attaches it to this one.
add(PDFOutline) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
This adds an already existing outline to this one.
add(PDFObject) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This adds an object that describes some content to this page.
add(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage.procset
add(PDFPage) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPageList
This adds a page to the document.
add(ChromSegment) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
Merges the specified chromosome segment with this segment
add(int, Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
add visible element
Add_ChromSegment(ChromSegment) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
Add ChromSegment
Add_ChromSegment(ChromSegment, long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
Add ChromSegment
AddAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Add curve
AddAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.AddAction
AddAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.AddAction
addAnnotation(PDFObject) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This adds an Annotation to the page.
addCurve(CurveModel) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
add Curve
addCurve(CurveInfo) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
add Curve
addCurve(CurveView) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
add Curve
addCurves(Status) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
add Curves that are saved in status
addDefaultCurve(GenomeInfo) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
add Default Curves for the genome
addElement(Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
addGraph(GeneralGraphView) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
add new Graph to the and
addImage(GifImage) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
Add image - animation
addImageResource(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
addLink(int, int, int, int, PDFObject) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Adds a hyperlink to the document.
addLink(int, int, int, int, PDFObject, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Adds a hyperlink to the document.
addNote(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
Convenience method: Adds a text note to the document.
addNote(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This method adds a text note to the document.
addOutline(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This method attaches an outline to the current page being generated.
addOutline(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This method attaches an outline to the current page being generated.
addOutline(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This method attaches an outline to the current page being generated.
addOutline(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This method attaches an outline to the current page being generated.
addPoint(Point2D.Float) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
addPoint(Point2D.Float) - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
add Point
addPrintedGraph(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
add graph to a printedGraph list.
addResource(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This adds a resource to the page.
addToProcset(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
addXObject(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This adds an XObject resource to the page.
adjustedGraphHeight - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
adjustedGraphWidth - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
ANNOTATION_HEIGHT - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
ANNOTATION_HEIGHT - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanelPicture
ANNOTATION_PANEL_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
annotationLegend(Graphics, Color, int, int, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
draw annotation legend
AnnotationPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: AnnotationPanel
AnnotationPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
AnnotationPanel(VistaApp, PageFormat) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
AnnotationPanelPicture - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: AnnotationPanelPicture
AnnotationPanelPicture(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanelPicture
annotations - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This holds any Annotations contained within this page.
annotations - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
arc(double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This produces an arc by breaking it down into one or more Bezier curves.
ArrowsPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: ArrowsPanel
ArrowsPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ArrowsPanel
small panel with UP and DOWN buttons
ASCII_ARRAY - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
Attribute - Class in sjg.xml
An xml attribute.
available() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringInputStream
available - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
AXIS_FONT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
axisPanel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
AxisPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: AxisPanel
AxisPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanel
AxisPanel(VistaApp, PageFormat) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanel
axisPanel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
AxisPanelPicture - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: AxisPanelPicture
AxisPanelPicture(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanelPicture


BackAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Show last position
BackAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.BackAction
BackAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.BackAction
BadCoordinateTypeException - Exception in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: BadCoordinateTypeException
BadCoordinateTypeException() - Constructor for exception gov.lbl.genome.common.BadCoordinateTypeException
Bad Type of Coordinate
BadCoordinateTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.lbl.genome.common.BadCoordinateTypeException
Bad Type of Coordinate
baos - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutput
This is the OutputStream used to write each object to.
barImage - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
base - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanelPicture
base - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
base - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
base - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.XAxisPanel
BaseInfoPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: BaseInfoPanel
BaseInfoPanel(VistaApp, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
BEVELED - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
The border is drawn in a beveled style (faux three-dimensional) such that it looks as if it is pushed out of the page (opposite of INSET)
bottom - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
BOTTOM - Static variable in interface layout.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the component is bottom justified in its cell
bottomSpace - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
BoundingBox - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class simplifies the placement of Strings within a canvas area where the placement of objects is absolute
BoundingBox(Point, Dimension) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Creates a new BoundingBox instance.
boxExists() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Returns false if for any reason this box has negative dimensions
BrowserInfo - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: BrowserInfo
BrowserInfo(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.BrowserInfo
btnCancel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
btnOK - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
buffer - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
ByteUtils - Class in ranab.util
Byte manipulation utility class.
ByteUtils() - Constructor for class ranab.util.ByteUtils


calculateSize(Container) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Calculates the sizes of the rows and columns based on the absolute and relative sizes specified in rowSpec and columnSpec and the size of the container.
calcWindow - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
calcWindow - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
callback - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
Callback - Interface in gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog
Title: CallBack
cancelAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
close the dialog window, do nothing
canResize - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
CENTER - Static variable in interface layout.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the component is centered in its cell
centerDialog(JDialog) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.VistaDialog
center Dialog window on the screen
changePanel(String, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.VistaDialog
replace one visible Panel by enother
changeSequence(short) - Static method in class ranab.util.ByteUtils
Change LSB and MSB sequence.
checkCurves(Vector, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
check Curves for visibility in the specified position
checkCurves(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Method checkCurves starts separate thread, check curves for visibility and set visibility rules for displayed curves
checkVisible() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
If graph vie contains invisible curve, then the graph view will be marked as invisible
children - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
children - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
chkOrg - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.AddAction
CHROM_FONT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
CHROM_INFO - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
ChromInfo - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: ChromInfo
ChromInfo(String, long, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.ChromInfo
ChromPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: ChromPanel
ChromPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
ChromPanel(VistaApp, PageFormat) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
ChromPanelPicture - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: ChromPanelPicture
ChromPanelPicture(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
ChromPosition - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
ChromPosition represents a position in a DNA sequence.
ChromPosition(String, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromPosition
ChromPosition(String, String, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromPosition
ChromSegment - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
ChromSegment represents a specific chromosome coordinate span.
ChromSegment(String, long, long, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
ChromSegment(String, long, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
ChromSegment(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
ChromSegment(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
ChromSegment(String, String, long, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
ChromSegments - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
Title: ChromSegments
ChromSegments() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
ChromSegments(int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
clear() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.History
remove all saved information
clearAll() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.History
clear all available status (remove bulk information from status)
clearChildren() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
remove Children
clearModel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
remove Model
clearRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This simply draws a White Rectangle to clear the area
clearStatus() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Status
remove bulk information from the status
clearStatusBar() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
remove any text from the status bar
clipPolygon(Polygon) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This extra method allows PDF users to clip to a Polygon.
clipRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Clips to a set of coordinates
clipRectangle - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This holds the current clipRectangle
clone() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
clone() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
clone the panel
clone() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
cloneCurve() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
clone Curve
cloneCurve() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
clone Curve
cloneSegment() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
clone Segment
close() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutput
This closes the Stream, writing the xref table
Cns - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
Cns represents a conserved non-coding region
Cns(String, long, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Cns
codeBaseURL - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
col1 - Variable in class layout.TableLayoutConstraints
Cell in which the upper left corner of the component lays
col2 - Variable in class layout.TableLayoutConstraints
Cell in which the lower right corner of the component lays
collectValues() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
collect all values from the dialog window this method must be overriden for all dialog panels
collectValues() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigListPanel
collect Values
collectValues() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SaveAsPanel
collect values and put them in the Map
collectValues() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SearchResultsPanel
put "gene" information in the values Map
collectValues() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.StatPanel
do nothing
colors - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Resource
columnOffset - Variable in class layout.TableLayout
Offsets of columns in pixels.
columnSize - Variable in class layout.TableLayout
Widths of columns in pixels
columnSpec - Variable in class layout.TableLayout
Widths of columns expressed in absolute and relative terms
comm - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
Comment - Class in sjg.xml
Represent an XML-comment.
Comment(String) - Constructor for class sjg.xml.Comment
Constructs a new data comment containing the given data.
CommonConstants - Interface in gov.lbl.genome.common
commonParameters - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
CommUnit - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: CommUnit
CommUnit() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
CommUnit(String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
CommUnit(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
compareTo(Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
compare 2 segments
component - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
component - Variable in class layout.TableLayout.Entry
Component bound by the constraints
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
Logic of this method is the following: If number of rows is fixed and only vertical size changed - do nothing.
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
condenseStrings(String[]) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Merge a String array into a single String using a chosen delimiter that does not occur in any of the strings.
consIdentity - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
consIdentity - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
contains(ChromSegment) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
Returns true if the specified chromosome segment overlaps at all with this segment.
contains(ChromPosition) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
Returns true if the specified Chromosome position falls within this segment.
contains(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
Returns true if the specified Chromosome position falls within this segment.
contents - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This holds the contents of the page.
Contig - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
A data set contig mapped onto a base genome.
Contig(String, long, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
Contig(String, long, long, boolean, int, int, int, int, String, String, long, long, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
contigLegend(Graphics, Color, int, int, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
draw contig legend
ContigListDialog - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog
Title: ContigListDialog
ContigListDialog(JApplet, String, boolean, int, Callback, String[]) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ContigListDialog
ContigListDialog() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ContigListDialog
ContigListPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: ContigListPanel
ContigListPanel(ActionDialog, boolean, boolean, String[]) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigListPanel
Show Contig List
contigPanel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
ContigPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: ContigPanel
ContigPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
ContigPanel(VistaApp, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
ContigPanel(VistaApp, PageFormat) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
ContigPanelPicture - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: ContigPanelPicture
ContigPanelPicture(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanelPicture
convertX(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
convert graph coordinate into the screen coordinate
convertX(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
convert graph coordinate into the screen coordinate
convertX(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
convert a chromosome coordinate into a screen coordinate
convertX(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
convert a chromosome coordinate into a screen coordinate
convertX(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
convert chromosome coordinates into screen (panel) coordinates
convertX(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
convert chromosome coordinates into screen (panel) coordinates
convertX(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
convert cromosome coordinate to the picture coordinate
convertX(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
convert cromosome coordinate to the picture coordinate
convertX(long, int, int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
convert chromosome coordinate into screen coordinate,
convertX(double, int, int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
convert chromosome coordinate into screen coordinate, according to the line number, offset and panel width
convertY(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
convert graph coordinate into the screen coordinate
COOR_DISPLAY_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
copyArea(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This is unsupported - how do you do this with Vector graphics?
Count_Overlapped(ChromSegments) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
create() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This returns a child instance of this Graphics object.
createBarImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
create a semi-transparent green bar image
createGraphic(PDFPage, PrintWriter) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This method creates a new instance of the class based on the page and a print writer.
createImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
create Image
createImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
create transparent Image if the graph view is not selected and semi-transparent gray bar if the graph view is selected
createImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
create annotation Image
createImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanel
create axis Image
createImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
createI cromosome ruler mage
createImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
createImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
createImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
create transparent bitmap image.
createImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.XAxisPanel
createImage return null
createTracerImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
Create tracer image of correspondig size
crossMouseCursor() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
show crosshair mouse cursor
cuready - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
currDisplayedPanel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
currentPage - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
CursorInfoPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: CursorInfoPanel
CursorInfoPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.CursorInfoPanel
curve - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
CURVE_TYPES - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CommonConstants
curveColor - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
curveInfo - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
CurveInfo - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: CurveInfo
CurveInfo(String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
CurveInfo(String, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
CurveInfo(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
CurveInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
CurveInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
CurveInfo(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
CurveInfo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
curveInfo - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
CurveModel - Interface in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: CurveModel
CurveParameters - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: Curve Parameters
CurveParameters(AbstractCurveModel) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
Curve Parameters
curvesPerPage - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
curveto(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path.
curveto(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path.
curveto(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path.
curveto(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path.
curveto2(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path.
curveto2(double, double, double, double) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This extension appends a Bezier curve to the path.
CurveView - Interface in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: CurveView
curveViews - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
CUSTOM_CURVE_TYPE - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CommonConstants
CustomCurveModel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: CustomCurveModel
CustomCurveModel(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CustomCurveModel
CustomCurveModel(TreeMap, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CustomCurveModel
CustomCurveModel(TreeMap, String, String, Vector, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.CustomCurveModel
cx(int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This utility method converts the y coordinate from Java to User space within the page.
cxy(int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This utility method converts the Java coordinates to User space within the page.
cy(int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This utility method converts the y coordinate from Java to User space within the page.


D_CALC_WINDOW - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaModelConstants
D_CONS_IDENT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaModelConstants
D_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaModelConstants
D_MAX_CONS - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaModelConstants
D_MIN_CONS - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaModelConstants
D_MIN_CONS_WIDTH - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaModelConstants
DASHED - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
The border is drawn with a dashed line.
data - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
Data - Class in sjg.xml
Represent a data section of an XML-document.
Data(String) - Constructor for class sjg.xml.Data
Constructs a new data section containing the given data.
debug - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
Debug - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: Debug
Debug(String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
debug(Object, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
Print a message to the standatd output
debug(Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
Print a message to the standatd output
debug - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
Debug(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
Deprecated. Use Debug class
debug - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
debug(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
pring debuging output
debugAction - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
debugComm - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
debugException(Throwable) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
Print an error's stackTrace.
debugException - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
debugInit - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
debugOff() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
Disable debug printing
debugOn() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
Enable debug printing
debugProgress - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
decode(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Decodes a x-www-form-urlencoded to a String.
decodeSpaces(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
replace "%20" by space
Decrement_All(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
shift all segments
DEF_REG_SIZE - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CommonConstants
DEFAULT_GRAPH_HEIGHT - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
DEFAULT_GRAPH_VIEW_HEIGHT - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
DEFAULT_GRAPH_WIDTH - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
DEFAULT_GRAPH_WIDTH - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
DEFAULT_GRAPH_WIDTH - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
DEFAULT_MAX_X - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
DEFAULT_MAX_Y - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
DEFAULT_MIN_X - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
DEFAULT_MIN_Y - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
defaultCursor - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
defaultMouseCursor() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
set mouse cursor to the defaultMouseCursor
defaultMouseCursor() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
show dafault mouse cursor
defaultOutlineBorder - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This holds a PDFObject describing the default border for annotations.
defaultSize - Static variable in class layout.TableLayout
Default row/column size
deleteColumn(int) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Deletes a column in this layout.
deleteRow(int) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Deletes a row in this layout.
descendants() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
Returns the total number of descendants below this one.
DetailsAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Text Browser
DetailsAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.DetailsAction
DetailsAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.DetailsAction
df - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
df - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
Difference(ChromSegments) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
return Difference of two segment collections
dirty - Variable in class layout.TableLayout
Indicates whether or not the size of the cells are known for the last known size of the container.
disableCancelBtn() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
disable Cancel Button
disableGUI() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
call setEnabled(false) for all visible components
disableGUI() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GeneSearchPanel
Disable TextField and Button
disableGUI() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
call setEnabled(false) for all components joined with action
disableOKBtn() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
disable OK Button
dispatch(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
dispatch event
dispatchEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
dispatchEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
return true in any case
dispatchEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
dispatch and push mouse event inside the panel structure
DisplayPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: DisplayPanel
DisplayPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
dispose() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This releases any resources used by this Graphics object.
DNA - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat
Document - Class in sjg.xml
Represents an XML-document.
Document(String, Element) - Constructor for class sjg.xml.Document
Constructs a new document with given header and document root.
Document(Element) - Constructor for class sjg.xml.Document
Constructs a new document with the given element as root and default header.
DOWN - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanelPicture
dp - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
dragged - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
draw3DRect(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Not implemented
drawArc(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draws an arc
drawbar - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
drawBytes(byte[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Not implemented
drawChoppedString(Graphics, FontMetrics, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Take the first line of the string (if it is wrapped, otherwise just take the whole string) and chop the end of it off to make it fit in the box.
drawContent(Graphics, PageFormat) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
draw Content
drawContent(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
draw Content
drawContent(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
draw Content
drawContent(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
draw Content
drawContent(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanel
draw Content
drawContent(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanel
draw Content
drawContent(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
draw chromosome ruler
drawContent(Graphics, PageFormat) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
draw chromosome ruler
drawContent(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
draw Content
drawContent(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
draw Content
drawContent(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
draw Content in area with specified size
drawContent(Graphics, PageFormat) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
print content on the page (printer, PDF or image)
drawContent(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
drawContent(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
drawContent(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.XAxisPanel
Draw X axis
drawGene(Gene, Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanelPicture
draw gene name and arrow
drawGreenBar(long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
draw semitransparent GreenBar
drawGrid(Container, Graphics) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Draws a grid on the given container.
drawImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draw's an image onto the page
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draws an image onto the page.
drawImage(Image, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draw's an image onto the page, with a backing colour.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draw's an image onto the page, with a backing colour.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draw's an image onto the page, with scaling
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draw's an image onto the page, with scaling
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draws a line between two coordinates.
drawOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draws an oval
drawPicture(Graphics, JComponent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanelPicture
draw annotation Picture
drawPicture(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanelPicture
draw annotation Picture
drawPicture(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanelPicture
draw axis Picture
drawPicture(Graphics, JComponent, long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
draw chromosome ruler Picture
drawPicture(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
draw chromosome ruler Picture
drawPicture(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanelPicture
drawPicture(Graphics, JComponent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanelPicture
draw contig Picture
drawPicture(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanelPicture
draw contig Picture
drawPicture(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanelPicture
Draw repeats
drawPicture(Graphics, JComponent, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
draw Picture
drawPicture(Graphics, JComponent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
draw Picture
drawPicture(Graphics, PageFormat) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
draw Picture
drawPicture(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
draw Picture
drawPicture(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
draw Picture
drawPicture(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
draw Picture
drawPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draws a polygon, linking the first and last coordinates.
drawPolyline(int[], int[], int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draws a polyline.
drawRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
We override Graphics.drawRect as it doesn't join the 4 lines.
drawRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This is not yet implemented
drawString(String, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This draws a string.
drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draws a string using a AttributedCharacterIterator.
drawWrappedString(Graphics, FontMetrics, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
This method is called after getting the box by calling getStringBounds on the parent.
drawWrappedStringTruncate(Graphics, FontMetrics, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Draws lines from the wrapped string until there is no more room and then stops.


eastMouseCursor() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
set mouse cursor to the eastCursor
eh - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
eh - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
Element - Class in sjg.xml
Class that represents an XML element.
elementAt(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
return visible element
elements() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
Returns all outlines directly below this one.
elements() - Method in class sjg.xml.Element
Returns an enumeration over the mixed contents of this element - of type String or Element.
elements(String) - Method in class sjg.xml.Element
Returns an enumeration over the subelements of this element that have the given name.
enableCancelBtn() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
enable Cancel Button
enableDialogButtons() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
enable Dialog "OK" and "Cancel" Buttons remove it!
enableGUI() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
call setEnabled(true) for all visible components
enableGUI() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GeneSearchPanel
Enable TextField and Button
enableGUI() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
call setEnabled(true) for all components joined with action
enableOKBtn() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
enable OK Button
enablePrinting(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
enable or disable printing actions The only reason of using this method is bug in java 1.5
encode(OutputStream) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
Encode GIF image
encodeSpaces(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
replace spaces by "%20"
end() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This writes the PDF document to the OutputStream, finishing the document.
endTracerPanel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
equals(String, String, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFFont
This is used by the PDF and PDFPage classes to compare font names
equals(Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
compare 2 corve models
equals(Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
compare 2 parameter sets
equals(Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Status
return true is 2 status objects are equal ignoring data
equals(Object) - Method in class layout.TableLayout.Entry
Determines whether or not two entries are equal.
equalsIgnoreData(Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Status
compare 2 status objects ignoring data
error(Object, String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
Print a message to the standatd output
ErrorHandler - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: ErrorHandler
ErrorHandler(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.ErrorHandler
Exon - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
Exon represents a specific chromosome coordinate span.
Exon(String, long, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Exon


FILL - Static variable in interface layout.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the row/column should fill the available space
fill3DRect(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Not implemented
fillAnnotations(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaCurveView
draw all annotations
fillArc(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Fills an arc, joining the start and end coordinates
fillOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Draws a filled oval
fillPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Fills a polygon.
fillRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Fills a rectangle with the current colour
fillRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This is not yet implemented
filterDigits(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
throw exception if string contains non-digit characters
findParentFrame() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
This method is important for applets.
first - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
firstElement() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
first visible Element
firstSet - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
flipSelected() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
reverse selection
FLOATING_POINT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CommonConstants
FLOATING_POINT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaModelConstants
fonts - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
The fonts associated with this page
ForwardAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Show next position
ForwardAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ForwardAction
ForwardAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ForwardAction
freezeCounters(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Stop applet timer
fromString(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromPosition
Restore a ChromPosition object from a one-line string.
fromString(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gap
Restore a Gap object from a one-line string.
FULL - Static variable in interface layout.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the component is full justified in its cell
FULLSCREEN - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This page mode indicates that when the document is opened, it is displayed in full-screen-mode.


g - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
g2d - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
g2d - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
g2d - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
G2D - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
Gap - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
Gap represents a gap in a DNA sequence.
Gap(String, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gap
Gap(String, String, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gap
Gene - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
Gene represents a specific chromosome coordinate span.
Gene(String, long, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gene
Gene(long, long, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gene
Gene(String, long, long, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gene
GENE_NAME_FONT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
GENE_NAME_OFFSET - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
GENE_NAME_OFFSET - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanelPicture
GENE_Y_POS - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
GENE_Y_POS - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanelPicture
GeneNotFoundException - Exception in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: GeneNotFoundException
GeneNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneNotFoundException
Gene Not Found Exception
GeneNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneNotFoundException
Gene Not Found Exception
GeneralGraphComp - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: GeneralGraphComponent
GeneralGraphComp(GeneralGraphView) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
GeneralGraphComp(GeneralGraphView, PageFormat) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
printable GeneralGraphComp
GeneralGraphModel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: GeneralGraphModel
GeneralGraphModel(String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
GeneralGraphModel(String, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
GeneralGraphModel(String, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
GeneralGraphModel(String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
GeneralGraphModel(String, String, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
GeneralGraphView - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: GeneralGraphView
GeneralGraphView(VistaApp, GeneralGraphModel, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
create parent GeneralGraphView
GeneralGraphView(VistaApp, GeneralGraphModel, NumberFormat, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
create child GeneralGraphView
generation - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFXref
The generation of the object, usually 0
GeneSearchPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: GeneSearchPanel
GeneSearchPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GeneSearchPanel
geneSearchPanel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
GenesInfo - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: GenesInfo
GenesInfo(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
GenomeInfo - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: GenomeInfo
GenomeInfo(String, String, Vector, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
GenomeInfo(String, String, String, Vector, GenesInfo[]) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
GenomeInfo(int, String, String, String, Vector, GenesInfo[], String, boolean, String, Vector, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
GET_ANNO - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
GET_AVAIL_CURVES - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
Get_ChromSegment(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
Get ChromSegment
GET_CURVE - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
GET_GENES - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
GET_INIT - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
getAbsoluteLocation() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Get the absolute upper left location point for this box
getAdb() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
get Annotation db
getAddAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return addAction3
getAlign() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
get Align
getAllCurveInfos() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return vector with all CurveInfo
getAllCurves() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return all curves in all graphs
getAllGraphs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return All Graphs
getAllPoints() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
getAllPoints() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
Use this method to get all the points in this CurveModel.
getAllSelectedGraphs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return list of All Selected Graphs
getAnno(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
getAnno returns a Vector of ChromSegments (use getName() on each segment to find out the type) input: base (hg12, mm2, etc), src (refseq at the moment), position
getAnnotation() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Status
return tAnnotation
getAnnotationColor(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
return Annotation Color
getAnnotationPanel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return Annotation Panel
getAnnotations() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
return Annotations
getAnnotations() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
return Annotations
getAnnotations() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
return annotations
getAttribute(String) - Method in class sjg.xml.Element
Returns the attribute given a name.
getAuthor() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
Get the value of author.
getAutoStringList(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Tokenize a String list using the first character of the string as the delimiter.
getAvailCurves() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
getCurves Returns a list of curves available as an array [id] [name]
getAvailCurves(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
getCurves returns a list of curves available at a given url as an array [id][name]
getBase() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
get Base
getBase() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
getBase() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getBaseFamily() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
get Base Family
getBaseGenome() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
get baseGenome
getBG() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return base genome name
getBlockId() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifEx
Get the block identification block.
getBrowsers() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
return all available Browsers
getCalcWindow() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getCalcWindow() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
get Calc Window
getCalcWindow() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return calc.
getCheckedCurves() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
return list of Checked Curves
getChrom(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
try to extract chromosome name from the position string
getChrom() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return current chromosome
getChromDX() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return number of selected points
getChromInfo(String, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
get ChromInfo
getChromName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
get Chromosome Name
getChromosome() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromPosition
get Chromosome
getChromosome() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
get Chromosome
getChromosome(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
get Chromosome
getChromosome() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getChromSegment() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getChromSize(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Return chromosome size.
getChromSize() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return size of current chromosome or contig
getChromX(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
convert screen coordinate into the chromosome coordinate
getChromX(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
convert screen coordinate into the chromosome coordinate
getClip() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Returns the Shape of the clipping region As my JDK docs say, this may break with Java 2D.
getClipBounds() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Returns the Rectangle that fits the current clipping region
getCnsUnderCurve() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getCode() - Method in exception gov.lbl.genome.common.VGBException
get Exception Code
getColor() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Returns the current pen Colour
getColor(String, Color) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
try to return a Color object by name if fail return default Color
getColor(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
return a color object by name
getColor() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifColor
Get color
getColorArray(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
return an array of Color objects by name
getColumn() - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Gets the sizes of columns in this layout.
getColumn(int) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Gets the width of a single column in this layout.
getComment() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
get Comment
getComment() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifCommentEx
Get the comment string.
getCommentBlock() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
Get the gif comment block.
getCommUnit() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return a CommUnit object
getComponent(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.VistaDialog
return Component by name
getConnection() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return connection field
getConsIdentity() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getConsIdentity() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
get Cons Identity
getConsIdentity() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return cons.
getConstraints(Component) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Gets the constraints of a given component.
getConsWidth() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return minConsWidth
getContents() - Method in class sjg.xml.Element
Returns a textual representation of the contents of this element.
getContig(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
get Contig (Chromosome)
getContigName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
get Contig Name
getContigNum() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
get Contig Number
getContigPanel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return Contig Panel
getContigs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
return contigs
getContigs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaCurveView
return Contigs
getCoordinate() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromPosition
get Coordinate
getCreated() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
get Created
getCreator() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
PDF has two values, a Creator and a Producer.
getCurrentPage() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
Returns the current PDFPage being worked on.
getCurrentPageNumber() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
Returns the current page number.
getCurrentPos() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
get Current Position
getCurve(CurveInfo, String, CurveModel, VistaApp) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
get Curve
getCurve(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
get Curve Info
getCurve(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
getCurveInfo() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
get CurveInfo
getCurveModel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
return Curve Model
getCurveModel() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveView
getCurveModels() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
get Curve Models Iterator
getCurveModels() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.GraphModel
Get all the CurveModels associated with this GraphModel.
getCurveModelsCollection() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
get collection of Curve Models
getCurveParameters() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Status
return Curve Parameters
getCurves() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
get Curves
getCurveViews() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return Curve Views
getData() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
return Data points
getDataInterval() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return interval between two pixils
getDataUrl() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
get Data Url string
getDateString(Date) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
get Date String
getDecimalString(double, int) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Parses a formatted string representation of a double value, with the specified number of decimal digits.
getDefaultBaseGenome() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
get Default Base Genome
getDefaultGenes() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
getDefaultGenome() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
return Default Genome
getDeflate() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFStream
Returs true if the stream will be compressed.
getDefPos() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
ge tDefault Position
getDelayTime() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifGraphicEx
Get delay time
getDescr() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gene
get Descriprion
getDetailsAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return detailsAction2
getDialogElement(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Retern Element from XML Document from dialogs.xml
getDimension() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
getDir() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
get Dir
getDisplayPanel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
getDouble(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts a String to a Double object.
getDouble(String, double) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts a String to a double.
getDouble(TextField, double) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts the input in a TextField to a double.
getDouble(TextField, double, double, double) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts the input in a TextField to a double, constrained by min and max values.
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
try to return a double value by name, or return the default value
getDouble(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
return double value by name
getDoubleArray(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
get Array of double by name
getDrawingPoint() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Gets the drawing point to use in Graphics drawing methods.
getDs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
get DataSet
getDsChrom() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
get DataSet Chromosome
getDsEnd() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
get DataSet End
getDset() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getDsStart() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
get DataSet Start
getDsStrand() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
get DataSet Strand
getDX() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return maxX-minX
getEnabled() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
getEnd() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
get End
getEnd() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getEndPoint() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
getEndPoint() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
get End Point
getErrorHandler() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return handler of the Error Message Box
getFamily() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.BrowserInfo
get Family
getFirstSelectedIndex() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return index of the first (from top) selected graph
getFont(String, String, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This returns a font of the specified type and font.
getFont() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFFont
getFont() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Return's the current font.
getFont(String, String, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Returns a PDFFont, creating it if not yet used.
getFont(String, Font) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
try return a Font object by name if fail will return default Font Important: Font parser is not implemented
getFont(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
return a Font object by name Important: Font parser is not implemented
getFontArray(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
return array with Font object by name Important: Font parser is not implemented
getFontMetrics(Font) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Returns the FontMetrics for a font.
getFormattedNumberString(double, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
return formatted string
getFormattedNumberString(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
return formattes string
getFormattedNumberString(double, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return Formatted Number String
getFormattedNumberString(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return Formatted Number String
getFormattedXDisplayString(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
format the cursor position string
getFormattedXDisplayString(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
This method converts an x-coordinate on the data display panel to an x-coordinate on the graph and return formatted string.
getFormattedXDisplayString(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
This method converts an x-coordinate on the data display panel to an x-coordinate on the graph and return formatted string.
getFormattedXDisplayString(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return Formatted String converted to the chromosome coordinates
getFullString() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Returns the full string associated with a call to getStringBounds
getGeneName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gene
get Gene Name
getGeneralGraphView(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
create child GeneralGraphView
getGenes(String, String, String, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
getGenes returns an array of Genes whose names contain the given string
getGenesInfo() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
getGenesInfos() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
return GenesInfos
getGenesName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GeneSearchPanel
return names of found genes
getGenome() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Status
return base genome
getGenomeId() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
get Genome Id
getGenomes() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
getGenomesIter() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
return Genomes Iterator
getGraph(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
get Graph
getGraphComp() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return GeneralGraphComp
getGraphHeight() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return Graph Height
getGraphicBlock() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
Get graphic extension block.
getGraphics(int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This returns a graphics object that can be used to draw on a page.
getGraphics() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This returns a graphics object that can be used to draw on a page.
getGraphics() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This returns a PDFGraphics object, which can then be used to render on to this page.
getGraphics() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
Get graphics
getGraphModel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return Graph Model
getGraphModel() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.GraphView
getGraphName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return Name
getGraphPanelSize() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return dimension of the graph panel
getGraphPos() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return position of the graph view in the display panel
getGraphView() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
return Graph View
getGraphView() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveView
return GraphView
getGraphWidth() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return Graph Width
getGraphWidth() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return adjusted width of a curve panel
getHeader() - Method in class sjg.xml.Document
Returns the header of the document in unparsed textual form.
getHeight() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Get the value of height.
getHeight() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return picture Height
getHistory() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Return history object
getHorizSize() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
return adjusted panel width
getID() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
get ID
getID() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get ID
getId() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
get Id
getID() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CustomCurveModel
getId() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
get Id
getImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
return pictures Image
getImage(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
return pictures Image
getImage(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanel
return pictures Image
getImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanel
return pictires Image
getImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
return Image
getImage(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
return Image
getImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return new Image with default size
getImage(JComponent, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return new Image with the size equals to the componet size
getImage(JComponent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return new Image with the size equals to the componet size
getImage(PageFormat) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return new Image with the size equals to the page size
getImage(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return new Image with the size specified by parameters
getImage(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
download image from the server
getImageableHeight() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return height of the Imageable rectangle
getImageableWidth() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return width of the Imageable rectangle
getImageData() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifEx
Get image data.
getIndex(PDFOutline) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
This is called by children to find their position in this outlines tree.
getInitInfo() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
getInitInfo returns a hashmap genome id -> GenomeInfo
getInitInfo(String, String, String, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
get Init Info
getInputStream() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return InputStream from the connection
getInt(String, int) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts a String to an int.
getInt(TextField, int) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts the input in a TextField to an int.
getInt(TextField, int, int, int) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts the input in a TextField to an int, constrained by min and max values.
getInt(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts a String to an int, constrained by min and max values.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
try to return int value by name, or return the default value
getInt(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
return int value by name
getIntArray(String, int) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Returns an Array of int using the given delimiter.
getIntArray(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
return array of int by name
getInteger(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts a String to an Integer.
getInterval() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
getInterval() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
return Interval between two points
getInterval() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getIntValue() - Method in class sjg.xml.Attribute
Returns the value of this attribute as an integer - may throw an error if value is not an integer.
getInvisible() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
return Invisible elements
getIterationCount() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifNsAppEx
Get iteration count
getKeywords() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
Get the value of keywords.
getLabel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
return Label
getLast() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
Returns the last index in this outline
getLastSelectedIndex() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return index of the last (from top) selected graph
getLayoutAlignmentX(Container) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Returns the alignment along the x axis.
getLayoutAlignmentY(Container) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Returns the alignment along the y axis.
getLong(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts a String to a Long.
getLong(String, long) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts a String to a long.
getLong(TextField, long) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts the input in a TextField to a long.
getLong(TextField, long, long, long) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Converts the input in a TextField to a long, constrained by min and max values.
getLongArray(String, int) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Returns an Array of long using the given delimiter.
getLongName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
get Long Name
getLongName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get Long Name
getLongName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
return Long Name
getLongName() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
get Long Name
getLongName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
getLongName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
get Long Name
getLongName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
getLongName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return Long Name
getMarginBottom() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return bottom Margin
getMarginLeft() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return left Margin
getMarginRight() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return right Margin
getMarginTop() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return top Margin
getMaxConservation() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getMaxHeight() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return Max drawable Height
getMaxWidth() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return tMax drawable Width
getMaxX() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
get Max X
getMaxX() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get Max X
getMaxX() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
get Max X
getMaxX(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
try to extract maxX from the position string
getMaxX() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return maxX
getMaxX(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return maxX for "i" line
getMaxY() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get Max Y
getMaxY() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.PCurveModel
get Max Y
getMaxY() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
get Max Y
getMaxY() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
deturn default/actual maxY value
getMaxY(CurveInfo) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
rerurn maxY parameter for the curve.
getMedia() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Returns the page's media.
getMessage() - Method in exception gnu.jpdf.StringTooLongException
getMethodResult(String, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.VistaDialog
return object that is stored as a Method execution Result
getMimeType() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
get mime type
getMinConservation() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getMinConsWidth() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getMinConsWidth() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
get Min Cons Width
getMinX() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
get Min X
getMinX() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get Min X
getMinX() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
get Min X
getMinX(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
try to extract minX from the position string
getMinX() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return minX
getMinX(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return minX for "i" line
getMinY() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get Min Y
getMinY() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.PCurveModel
get Min Y
getMinY() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
get Min Y
getMinY() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
get Min Y
getMinY() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
deturn default/actual minY value
getMinY(CurveInfo) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
rerurn minY parameter for the curve.
getMode() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
get Mode
getName() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFFont
This is the most common method to use.
getName() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Get the name
getName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
get Name
getName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get Name
getName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.BrowserInfo
get Name
getName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ChromInfo
get Name
getName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
return Name
getName() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
get Name
getName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
get Name
getName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
getName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
get Name
getName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
get Name
getName() - Method in class sjg.xml.Attribute
Returns the name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in class sjg.xml.Element
Returns the name of this element.
getNewHeight() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return newHeight
getNewWidth() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return newWidth
getNext() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.History
return next available status
getNode(int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
Returns the outline at a specified position.
getNsApplicationBlock() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
Get Netscape application block.
getNumberOfCurves() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
get Number Of Curves
getNumberOfGraphs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return Number Of Graphs
getNumberOfPoints() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
getNumberOfPoints() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
get Number Of Points
getNumberOfRows() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
return number of rows or 0
getNumColumn() - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Gets the number of columns in this layout.
getNumDataPoints() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getNumDataPoints() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return expected number of data points.
getNumRow() - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Gets the number of rows in this layout.
getObject(String, Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
try to return an Object by name if fail, return the default Object
getObject(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
return an Object by name
getObjectArray(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
return an array of Objects by name
getOrganisms() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
return list of Organisms
getOrganisms() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Status
return Organisms
getOrgId() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
get Organism Id
getOrgId() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
get Organism Id
getOrientation() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Returns the pages orientation
getOS(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Returns the Operating System being used, as defined in the specified string.
getOutline() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
getOutputStream() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFStream
Returns the OutputStream that will append to this stream.
getOutputStream(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return OutputStream to "POST" data to the server ToDo This method should throw an exception instead of returning something
getPage(int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This returns a specific page.
getPage() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Returns the associated PDFPage for this graphic
getPage(int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPageList
This returns a specific page.
getPageDimension() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
Returns the page dimension
getPageResolution() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This returns the page resolution.
getPanel(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.VistaDialog
return Panel by name
getPanelCapacity() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return number of rows that would be drawn in the panel
getParam(String, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
try to get String from Map parameters, then from applet getParameter(String) or return default value
getParam(String, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
try to get integer from Map parameters, then from applet getParameter(String) or return default value
getParameters() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
return Curve Parameters
getParameters(Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Resource
return Parameters associated with the object class
getParameterString(VistaApp) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
return Parameter String
getParameterString(VistaApp) - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
get Parameter String
getParameterString(VistaApp) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
this set of parameters will be passed to the server: &calcWindow=???&minConsWidth=???&minConsIdentity=???&numDataPoints=???&genes=???
getParent() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Get this box's parent box
getParent() - Method in class sjg.xml.Element
Returns the parent element of this element.
getPassword() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
get Password
getPDFDocument() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
Returns the PDFDocument object for this document.
getPDFDocument() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFObject
Returns the PDF document this object belongs to.
getPDFInfo() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
Get the PDFInfo object, which contains author, title, keywords, etc
getPicture() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
return annotation Picture
getPicture() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanel
return Picture
getPicture() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
getPicture() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
return picture
getPicture() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
getPopup() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return Popup menu
getPos() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
get formatted Position string
getPos() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return position as formated string
getPosition() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get Position
getPosition() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Status
return Position
getPositionString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return formated position string
getPostHeader() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
getPrev() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.History
return previous available status
getPrintHeight(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return min height that is necessary to fit all the content
getProviderName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
get Provider Name
getProviderUrl() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
get Provider Url
getPValue() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.PValue
get P-Value
getRandomString(int) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return string of specified length with rndom content
getRealEnd() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
get Real Segment End
getRelX(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return relative position from the begining
getRelX(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
eturn relative position from the begining
getRemoveAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return removeAction2
getRepeatPanel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return Repeat Panel
getRepeats() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Status
return Repeats
getRoot() - Method in class sjg.xml.Document
Return the document root.
getRow() - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Gets the height of a single row in this layout.
getRow(int) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Gets the sizes of a row in this layout.
getRowCount() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
GetRun() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GumbyCurveInfo
Get Run
getRun() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getRun() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
get Run
getRunName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getRunOrg() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
get Run_ID and Org_ID in the form ready to pass to the server: _
getRunOrg() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
get Run_ID and Org_ID in the form ready to pass to the server: _
getRunOrg() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaCurveView
return run_id and org_id in the form _
getRuns() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return servlet-ready formated run list.
getScore() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.PValue
get Score
getSecondFamily() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
get Second Family
getSelectedIndices() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return numbers of selected lines in the bottom panel curve list
getSelectedOrg() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
return Selected Organism
getSelectedOrg() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
get selected organism
getSelectedRadio(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.VistaDialog
return number of the selected radio button in the group
getSequence() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromPosition
get Sequence
getSerialID() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFObject
Returns the unique serial number of this object.
getSettingsAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return settingsAction2
getShow() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return a servlet parameter "showdefaults"
getShowContigs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getShowGenes() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getShowRepeats() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getSize() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ChromInfo
return the minimum data coordinate available on disk
getSrcName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
get Source Name
getSrcUrl() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
get Source Url
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
getStart() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
get Start
getStart() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
getStartPoint() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
getStartPoint() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
get Start Point
getStatAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return statAction2
getStatistics() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return Statistics
getStatistics() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return conservation Statistics for all curves
getStatistics() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaCurveView
return Statistics about conserved regions for the curve
getStrand() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
get Strand
getStream() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFStream
This is for extenders, and provides access to the stream.
getString(String, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
try to return a String by name if fail return the default one
getString(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
return a String by name
getStringArray() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Get the wrapped strings if this box was from a call to getStringBounds, otherwise this method returns null
getStringArray(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
return an array of Strings by name
getStringBounds(String, int, int, FontMetrics, int, boolean) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Gets the location of a String after it is adjusted for alignment within this box.
getStringBounds(String, int, int, FontMetrics, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Gets the location of a String after it is adjusted for alignment within this box.
getStrings(Enumeration) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Returns an Array of strings from an Enumeration object.
getStrings(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Tokenize a string using the given delimiter and return an array of the tokens found in the string.
getStrings(String, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Tokenize a string starting at the specified index.
getStringWidth(String, Font) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
return width in pixels for the strind s and font f
getStringWidth(String, Font) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return Width (in pixels) of the string
getStyle() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFFont
getSubject() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
Get the value of subject.
getSuperContigNum() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.SuperContig
get SuperContig Number
getSwapCurvesAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
getTableName() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
get Table Name
getTestgpvParam() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.UCSCBrowserAction
form a parameter string to call UCSC browser
getText() - Method in class sjg.xml.Comment
Returns the text of this comment.
getText() - Method in class sjg.xml.ProcessingInstruction
Returns the text contents of this processing instruction.
getTextbrowserURL() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return URL for the text browser
getTitle() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
Get the value of title.
getTracerPanel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return Tracer Panel
getType() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFFont
getType() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFObject
Returns the PDF Type of this object
getType() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.BrowserInfo
get browser Type
getType() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ChromInfo
get chromosome Type
getType() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
get Type
getType() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.PValue
get Type
getType() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat
get Type
getType() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
get Type
getUniqOrganisms() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return number uniq organisms
getUp2Date(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
update init information
getUrl() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.BrowserInfo
get Url string
getUrl(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.BrowserInfo
get Url string with attached parameters
getURL() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CustomCurveModel
getValue() - Method in class sjg.xml.Attribute
Returns the value of this attribute.
getValues() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
getVersion() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
getVersion returns current version
getVersion() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
getVertSize() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
return adjusted panel height
getVisible() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
return Visible elements
getVisibleCurveNames() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
return names of visible Curves
getWidth() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Get the value of width.
getWidth() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
return adjusted graph width
getWidth() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return picture Width
getWriter() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Returns the PrintWriter handling the underlying stream
getWriter() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFStream
Creates a PrintWriter that will append to this stream.
getXDisplay(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
convert screen coordinates into chromosome coordinates
getXDisplay(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
convert screen coordinates into chromosome coordinates
getXDisplay(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
convert screen coordinates into chromosome coordinates
getXDisplay(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
convert the parameter into chromosome coordinates
getXType() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
getXType() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
return Type of the X axis
getXType() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
get X Type
getXType() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.GraphModel
getXUnits() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get X Units
getXUnits() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.GraphModel
getYLabel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get Y Label
getYLabel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.PCurveModel
get Y Label Text
getYLabelOrientation() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get Y Label Orientation
getYType() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
getYType() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
return Type of the Y axis
getYType() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
get Y Type
getYType() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.GraphModel
getYUnits() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
get Y Units
getYUnits() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.GraphModel
GifAppEx - Class in ranab.img.gif
Gif application extension.
GifColor - Class in ranab.img.gif
Color data structure.
GifCommentEx - Class in ranab.img.gif
Comment extension block.
GifEx - Class in ranab.img.gif
Abstract base class of all the GIF extension blocks.
GifGraphicEx - Class in ranab.img.gif
Graphic extension block.
GifImage - Class in ranab.img.gif
GIF encoder class.
GifImage(int, int) - Constructor for class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
GifImageDescriptor - Class in ranab.img.gif
GIF image descriptor data structure.
GifNsAppEx - Class in ranab.img.gif
Gif Netscape application extension.
GifScreenDescriptor - Class in ranab.img.gif
GIF screen descriptor data structure.
gifString - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SaveAsPanel
gnu.jpdf - package gnu.jpdf
PDF library
gov.lbl.genome.common - package gov.lbl.genome.common
This package contains data models, utils and comunication unit
gov.lbl.genome.common.features - package gov.lbl.genome.common.features
This package contains classes for various intervals on a genome.
gov.lbl.genome.gui - package gov.lbl.genome.gui
This is the main package
gov.lbl.genome.gui.action - package gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
This package contains classes for GUI actions.
gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog - package gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog
This package contains classes to show all dialog windows
gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel - package gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
This package contains classes to draw various VGB panels.
graph - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
GRAPH_BORDER - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
GRAPH_BORDER_WIDTH - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
GRAPH_COMP_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
GRAPH_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
GRAPH_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
GRAPH_MIN_WIDTH - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
GRAPH_NAME_BOLD_FONT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
GRAPH_OFFSET_WIDTH - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
GRAPH_SPACER_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
GraphModel - Interface in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: GraphModel
graphs - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
graphView - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
GraphView - Interface in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: GraphView
GraphViewList - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: GraphViewList
GraphViewList() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
GraphViewList(GraphViewList) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
GumbyCurveInfo - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: GumbyCurveInfo
GumbyCurveInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.GumbyCurveInfo


hAlign - Variable in class layout.TableLayoutConstraints
Horizontal justification if component occupies just one cell
handCursor - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
handle(String, String, Exception) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.ErrorHandler
call this method to show error dialog window and print an exception if debugException is true
handleCallback(Map) - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.Callback
handlePixel(int, int, int) - Static method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Converts a pixel to a hex string
hasAttribute(String) - Method in class sjg.xml.Element
Returns whether an attribute of a given name exists.
hashCode() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromPosition
hashCode() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
hashCode() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gap
hasImageB - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
These handle the procset for this page.
hasImageC - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
These handle the procset for this page.
hasImageI - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
These handle the procset for this page.
hasMoreElements() - Method in class sjg.xml.Tokenizer
hasParent() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Returns true if this box has a parent.
height - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
height - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
height - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
HelpAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Help
HelpAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.HelpAction
HelpAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.HelpAction
hidden - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
hidden() - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Determines whether or not there are any hidden components.
hide() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
hidden = true
hideCursor() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
hide tracer
hideGraph(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
hide Graph
hideInvisibleElements() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
History - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: History
History() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.History
HORIZ_ALIGN_CENTER - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Used to align a String horizontally in the center of the box
HORIZ_ALIGN_LEFT - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Used to align a String to the left in the box
HORIZ_ALIGN_RIGHT - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Used to aling a String to the right in a box
horizSize - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel


id - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFXref
The id of a PDF Object
id - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
ID - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
image - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
image - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
image - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
imageableHeight - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
imageableWidth - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
imageResources - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Describe imageUpdate method here.
Increment_All(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
shift all segments
infoID - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutput
This is used to track the /Info object (info)
init(PDFPage) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This is called by PDFPage when creating a Graphcis instance.
init(PDFPage, PrintWriter) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This method is used internally by create() and by the PDFJob class
init - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
init() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
This is an important and big method.
INIT_CURR_POSITION - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
INPUT_COL_WIDTH - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
insertColumn(int, double) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Inserts a column in this layout.
insertRow(int, double) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Inserts a row in this layout.
INSET - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
The border is drawn in an inset style (faux three-dimensional) such that it looks as if it is inset into the page (opposite of BEVELED)
INTEGER - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CommonConstants
INTEGER - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaModelConstants
intersect(ChromSegment) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
Returns a new ChromSegment which is the intersection of this segment and the provided segment.
inTracerPanel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
InvalidDataEntryException - Exception in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: InvalidDataEntryException
InvalidDataEntryException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.lbl.genome.gui.InvalidDataEntryException
INVERTEDPORTRAIT - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Specifies that the page is in INVERTEDPORTRAIT orientation.
invisibleElementAt(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
return invisibleElement or null
invisibleMouseCursor() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
Hide mouse cursor
invisibleSize() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
return number of invisible elements
isCheckable() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
return true if curve is Checkable
isChrom() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return true if current contig is real chromosome
isDangerous() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return true if action can destroy the applet.
isDefault() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
return true if curve is Default
isDefault() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
return true if Default
isDefault() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
return true if Default
isDefaultVisible() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
show or not to show default curves
isDelayed() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifGraphicEx
Is delayed
isDeleted() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
return true if curve is deleted
isDeleted() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
return true if curve is Deleted
isDeleted() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
return true if deleted
isDownEnabled() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ArrowsPanel
return true if Down button is Enabled
isForward() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gene
return true if forward
isHidden() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
return true if the curve is hidden
isIdle1() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return true if idle more than 20 min
isIdle2() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return true if idle more than 30 sec
isIdle3() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
return true if idle more than 0.5 sec
isInside(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
return true of mouse cursor is in the selected area
isInteger(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
isLoading - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
isNearEast(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
return true if mouse cursor is near the east edge of the selected area
isNearWest(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
return true if mouse cursor is near the west edge of the selected area
isNextEmpty() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.History
return true if there are no next available status
isPopup() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
return true if ready to show a popup menu
isPrevEmpty() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.History
return true if there are no more saved status in the history
isReady() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
isRealChrom() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
return true if segment is a Real Chromosome
isSelected() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return true if selected
isTemp() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
Ask Mitya
isTransparent() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifGraphicEx
Is transparent.
isUpEnabled() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ArrowsPanel
return true if Up button is Enabled
isVisible() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
return true if curve is Visible
isVisible() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return true if visible
iterator() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
visible iterator


jpgString - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SaveAsPanel


kl - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog


l1 - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SaveAsPanel
l2 - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SaveAsPanel
l3 - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SaveAsPanel
LABEL_COL_WIDTH - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
LANDSCAPE - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Specifies that the page is in LANDSCAPE orientation.
last - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
lastElement() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
last visible Element
lastPageFirst() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
In AWT's PrintJob, this would return true if the user requested that the file is printed in reverse order.
lastPosition() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
set status from previous position
layout - package layout
Table layout
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
To lay out the specified container using this layout.
lblMaxY - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
lblMinY - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
lblName - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
LEFT - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanelPicture
LEFT - Static variable in interface layout.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the component is left justified in its cell
leftSpace - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
legend - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
LegendPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: LegendPanel
LegendPanel() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.LegendPanel
LINE - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat
LINE_SPACING_PERCENTAGE - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Percent f line height to space lines
lineNumber - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
lineNumber - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
lineto(int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This adds a line segment to the current path
lineto(double, double) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This adds a line segment to the current path
link - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
LinkLabel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: LinkLabel
LinkLabel(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
LinkLabel(String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
LinkLabel(VistaApp, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
linkURL - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
list - Variable in class layout.TableLayout
List of components and their sizes
listIterator() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
visible list iterator
ln10 - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanelPicture
ln10 - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
ln10 - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.XAxisPanel
loadURLContents(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.NetUtil
Returns the Html page contents of the given url.
lockDown() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ArrowsPanel
Disable Down Button
lockUp() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ArrowsPanel
Disable Up Button
longname - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
LTR - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat


main(String[]) - Static method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
For testing
main(String[]) - Static method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFTest
The test is initiated through the main method.
makePDFString(String) - Static method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFStringHelper
This converts a string into PDF.
marginBottom - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
marginLeft - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
marginLeft - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
marginLeft - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
marginRight - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
marginRight - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
marginRight - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
marginTop - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
marginTop - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
marginTop - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
markSupported() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringInputStream
MAX_ALIGN - Static variable in interface layout.TableLayoutConstants
Maximum value for an alignment
MAX_REG_SIZE - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CommonConstants
maxHeight - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Returns the maximum dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.
maxProc - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
maxWidth - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
maxX - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
maxX - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
maxX - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
maxX - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
maxX - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
maxY - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
maxY - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
maxY - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
mbase - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanelPicture
mbase - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
mbase - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.XAxisPanel
mbyAppAuth - Variable in class ranab.img.gif.GifAppEx
mbyAppId - Variable in class ranab.img.gif.GifAppEx
mbyBlkSize - Static variable in class ranab.img.gif.GifAppEx
mbyBlkTerm - Static variable in class ranab.img.gif.GifEx
mbyByte - Variable in class ranab.img.gif.GifNsAppEx
mbyCtrlLab - Variable in class ranab.img.gif.GifEx
mbyExIntro - Static variable in class ranab.img.gif.GifEx
mbySubBlkSz - Variable in class ranab.img.gif.GifNsAppEx
media - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This is the media we are working with
MEDIA_11x17 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in 11x17 format.
MEDIA_a0 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in a0 format.
MEDIA_a1 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in a1 format.
MEDIA_a10 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in a10 format.
MEDIA_a2 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in a2 format.
MEDIA_a3 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in a3 format.
MEDIA_a4 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in a4 format.
MEDIA_a5 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in a5 format.
MEDIA_a6 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in a6 format.
MEDIA_a7 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in a7 format.
MEDIA_a8 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in a8 format.
MEDIA_a9 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in a9 format.
MEDIA_archA - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in archA format.
MEDIA_archB - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in archB format.
MEDIA_archC - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in archC format.
MEDIA_archD - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in archD format.
MEDIA_archE - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in archE format.
MEDIA_b0 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in b0 format.
MEDIA_b1 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in b1 format.
MEDIA_b2 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in b2 format.
MEDIA_b3 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in b3 format.
MEDIA_b4 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in b4 format.
MEDIA_b5 - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in b5 format.
MEDIA_flsa - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in flsa format.
MEDIA_flse - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in flse format.
MEDIA_halfletter - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in halfletter format.
MEDIA_ledger - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in ledger format.
MEDIA_legal - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in legal format.
MEDIA_letter - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in letter format.
MEDIA_note - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Rectangle defining a page in note format.
mediabox - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This is this pages media box, ie the size of the page
MergeWith(ChromSegments) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
return new collection, combined from 2 collections
mImageData - Variable in class ranab.img.gif.GifEx
MIN_ALIGN - Static variable in interface layout.TableLayoutConstants
Minimum value for an alignment
minConsWidth - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
minConsWidth - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
MINIMUM - Static variable in interface layout.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the row/column should be allocated just enough space to accomidate the minimum size of all components contained completely within this row/column.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Determines the minimum size of the container argument using this layout.
minor - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanelPicture
minor - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
minor - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanelPicture
minor - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.XAxisPanel
minProc - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
minX - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
minX - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
minX - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
minX - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
minX - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
minY - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
minY - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
minY - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
model - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
model - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
Open link in the new browser window
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
Just do nothing
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
draw selected area whem mouse is dragged
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
show link in the status bar, show hand cursor
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
clear status bar, show default cursor
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
hide tracer
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
show tracer coordinates
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
Prepare to draw selection or to show a popup menu
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
process selected area and update position
moveMouseCursor() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
set mouse cursor to the moveMouseCursor
moveSelectedDown() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
move Selected Graphs Down
moveSelectedUp() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
move Selected Graphs Up
moveto(int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This moves the current drawing point.
moveto(double, double) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This moves the current drawing point.
msItrCnt - Variable in class ranab.img.gif.GifNsAppEx
multiSelectGraphs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
select more than one graph


name - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
NAME - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat
name - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
name - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
name - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
NetUtil - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
NetUtil() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.NetUtil
newGraphView - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
nextElement() - Method in class sjg.xml.Tokenizer
nextPanel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
nextPosition() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
set status from nextPosition
nomouse - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
NONE - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CommonConstants
nPoints - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
numberOfActions - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.VAbstractAction


objects - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This vector contains each indirect object within the document.
objser - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This is used to allocate objects a unique serial number in the document.
objser - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFObject
This is the unique serial number for this object.
offset - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutput
This is the current position within the stream
offset - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFXref
The offset within the PDF file
offsets - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutput
This vector contains offsets of each object
offsetWidth - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
ok() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.SaveAsDialog
OK_CANCEL_OPTION - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
OK_OPTION - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
okAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
This method must be overriden to process OK action
okAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ContigListDialog
process all data and close the window
okAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.SaveAsDialog
process all results and close the window
okAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.SearchResultsDialog
process results and close the window
okAction() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.StatDialog
Close dialog window
oldHeight - Variable in class layout.TableLayout
Previous known height of the container
oldWidth - Variable in class layout.TableLayout
Previous known width of the container
os - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This is the OutputStream the PDF file will be written to when complete Note: This is transient, as it's not valid after being Serialized.
os - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutput
This is the actual OutputStream used to write to.
OTHER - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat
Overlap(ChromSegments) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
return Overlap of two collections
Overlapped() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
overlapping() - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Determines whether or not there are any overlapping components.


page - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This is the current page being constructed by the last getGraphics() call
pageFormat - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
pagenum - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This is the page number of the current page
pages - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
PageSetupAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Page settings
PageSetupAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.PageSetupAction
PageSetupAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.PageSetupAction
pageSetupString - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SaveAsPanel
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
paint Component
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
paint graph view
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
draw tracer or green bar
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
paintComponent overload JPanel paintComponent.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaLabel
Add antialiasing to the standard JLabel
paper - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
param - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
param - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.VAbstractAction
Parameter - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: Parameter
Parameter(Hashtable) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Parameter
parameter - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Resource
parameters - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
parent - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
For subentries, this points to it's parent outline
parent - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
parent - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
parse(String) - Static method in class sjg.xml.Parser
Parses a text string.
parse(InputStream) - Static method in class sjg.xml.Parser
Parses an input stream.
parse(Applet, String) - Static method in class sjg.xml.Parser
Load a document from an applet jar
parseFormattedLong(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Parses a formatted string representation of a chromosome coordinate.
parsePos(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
build ChromSegment from the position string
Parser - Class in sjg.xml
An xml parser.
Parser() - Constructor for class sjg.xml.Parser
parseSpan(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
return array with start and end
PCurveModel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: PCurveModel
PCurveModel(Vector, String, GumbyCurveInfo, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.PCurveModel
PCurveModel(Vector, String, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.PCurveModel
PCurveModel(GumbyCurveInfo, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.PCurveModel
PCurveModel() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.PCurveModel
PDF_PAGE_MODES - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
These map the page modes just defined to the pagemodes setting of PDF.
PDFAnnot - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class defines an annotation (commonly known as a Bookmark).
PDFAnnot(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
This is used to create an annotation.
PDFAnnot(int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
Creates a text annotation
PDFAnnot(int, int, int, int, PDFObject) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
Creates a link annotation
PDFAnnot(int, int, int, int, PDFObject, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
Creates a link annotation
PDFBorder - Class in gnu.jpdf
A border around an annotation
PDFBorder(short, double) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFBorder
Creates a border using the predefined styles in PDFAnnot.
PDFBorder(double, double[]) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFBorder
Creates a border of style PDFAnnot.DASHED
PDFCatalog - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class implements the PDF Catalog, also known as the root node
PDFCatalog(PDFPageList, int) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFCatalog
This constructs a PDF Catalog object
PDFDocument - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class is the base of the PDF generator.
PDFDocument() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This creates a PDF document with the default pagemode
PDFDocument(int) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This creates a PDF document
pdfDocument - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This is the PDF file being constructed
pdfDocument - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFObject
This allows any PDF object to refer to the document being constructed.
PDFFont - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class defines a font within a PDF document.
PDFFont() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFFont
This constructs a default PDFFont.
PDFFont(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFFont
Constructs a PDFFont.
PDFGraphics - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class is our implementation of AWT's Graphics class.
PDFGraphics() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
PDFImage - Class in gnu.jpdf
This implements the Image XObject.
PDFImage() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Creates a new PDFImage instance.
PDFImage(Image) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Creates a new PDFImage instance.
PDFImage(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Creates a new PDFImage instance.
PDFInfo - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class stores details of the author, the PDF generator etc.
PDFInfo() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
This constructs a minimal info object
PDFInfo(String) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
PDFJob - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class extends awt's PrintJob, to provide a simple method of writing PDF documents.
PDFJob() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This constructs the job.
PDFJob(OutputStream) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This constructs the job.
PDFJob(OutputStream, String) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFJob
This constructs the job.
PDFObject - Class in gnu.jpdf
This is the base class for all Objects that form the PDF document.
PDFObject(String) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFObject
This is usually called by extensors to this class, and sets the PDF Object Type
PDFOutline - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class manages the documents outlines (also known as bookmarks).
PDFOutline() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
Constructs a PDF Outline object.
PDFOutline(String, PDFPage) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
Constructs a PDF Outline object.
PDFOutline(String, PDFPage, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
Constructs a PDF Outline object.
PDFOutput - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class is used to write a PDF document.
PDFOutput(OutputStream) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutput
This creates a PDF OutputStream
PDFPage - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class defines a single page within a document.
PDFPage() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This constructs a Page object, which will hold any contents for this page.
PDFPage(Rectangle) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Constructs a page, using the supplied media size.
PDFPage(int) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Constructs a page using A4 media, but using the supplied orientation.
PDFPage(Rectangle, int) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Constructs a page using the supplied media size and orientation.
PDFPage.procset - Class in gnu.jpdf
This defines a procset
PDFPage.procset() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage.procset
pdfPageList - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This is the pages object id that this page belongs to.
PDFPageList - Class in gnu.jpdf
This object contains the document's pages.
PDFPageList() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFPageList
This constructs a PDF Pages object.
PDFStream - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class implements a PDF stream object.
PDFStream() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFStream
Constructs a plain stream.
PDFStream(String) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFStream
Constructs a stream.
pdfString - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SaveAsPanel
PDFStringHelper - Class in gnu.jpdf
String manipulation methods
PDFStringHelper() - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFStringHelper
PDFTest - Class in gnu.jpdf
The purpose of this class is to test all functionality of the gnu.jpdf package and serve as a demonstration of how to use the library.
PDFTest(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFTest
PDFXref - Class in gnu.jpdf
This class is used to hold the xref information in the PDF Trailer block.
PDFXref(int, int) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFXref
Creates a crossreference for a PDF Object
PDFXref(int, int, int) - Constructor for class gnu.jpdf.PDFXref
Creates a crossreference for a PDF Object
PERCENTAGE - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CommonConstants
Picture - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: Picture
Picture(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
pixelWidth - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
pixelWidth - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
pnlContainer - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
pnlContent - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
pnlContig - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
pnlGraph - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
pnlGraphs - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
pnlName - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
pnlNames - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
pnlYAxis - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
pnlYAxiss - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
polygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This is used to add a polygon to the current path.
popupOff() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
switch popup off
PORTRAIT - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Specifies that the page is in PORTRAIT orientation.
POS - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
positionFormat(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
return true if position is like chr9:10000-20000
PREFERRED - Static variable in interface layout.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the row/column should be allocated just enough space to accomidate the preferred size of all components contained completely within this row/column.
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Determines the preferred size of the container argument using this layout.
prevDisplayedPanelList - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
prevPage - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
print content
print(Graphics, PageFormat, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
PrintAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Print
PrintAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.PrintAction
PrintAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.PrintAction
printColor() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
print the global color table (debug only)
PrinterSetupAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Printer settings
PrinterSetupAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.PrinterSetupAction
PrinterSetupAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.PrinterSetupAction
printInfo(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
print summary info for all vista curves
printInfo(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaCurveView
print summary information on printer, PDF or bitmap image page
printJob - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
printStatusBar(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
show sring in the status bar
ProcessingInstruction - Class in sjg.xml
Represent an XML processing instruction.
ProcessingInstruction(String) - Constructor for class sjg.xml.ProcessingInstruction
Constructs a new data processing instruction with the given contents.
procset - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
push(Status) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.History
push status in the history
pushInHistory() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
push curent status in history
PValue - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
Title: PValue
PValue(String, int, int, double) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.PValue
PValue(String, int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.PValue
PValueCurveView - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: PValueCurveView
PValueCurveView(PCurveModel, GeneralGraphView) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.PValueCurveView


QSortAlgorithm - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
A quick sort demonstration algorithm SortAlgorithm.java
QSortAlgorithm() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.QSortAlgorithm
quote(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
escape quotations


ranab.img.gif - package ranab.img.gif
GIF library
ranab.util - package ranab.util
read() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringInputStream
realGraphHeight - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
realGraphWidth - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
rebuildPanel() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
this method is responsible for positioning of all graphs, annotations, axis etc.
redispatchMouseEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
push mouse event inside the panel structure
refresh(VistaApp, long, long) - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveModel
request information from the server
refresh(VistaApp, long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CustomCurveModel
refresh(VistaApp, long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.PCurveModel
request data from the server
refresh(VistaApp, long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
request data from the server
refresh(long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
request new information from the server
refresh(long, long) - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveView
request curve information from the server
refresh(long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
refresh all curves
refresh() - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.GraphView
refresh graph information
refreshAnnotations() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
request new information from the server for Annotations and repeats
refreshAnnotations(Status) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
set Annotations and repeats from Status.
refreshGraphs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
request new data from the server for all graphs and repaint
refreshOrgList() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
refresh organism list in the pull-dawn menu
refreshThread - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
release() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Do some work and refresh panels after slow operations, like data pulling
RELEASE_DATE - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
RemoveAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
RemoveAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.RemoveAction
RemoveAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.RemoveAction
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
remove collection of elements
removeAllElements() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
removeAllGraphs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
remove All Graphs
removeAllSelectedGraphs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
remove All Selected Graphs
removeBarImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
set green bar image == null
removeChromSegment(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
remove ChromSegment in the position
removeCompImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
remove Comp Image and contig Image
removeDataImages() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
remove images for all graphs, annotation panel, repeat panel and axis panel
removeElementAt(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
remove element from visible and total collections
removeGraph(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
remove Graph
removeGraph(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
remove Graph
removeImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
remove Image
removeImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
remove Images
removeImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
remove tracer image
removeImage() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
remove image.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Removes the specified component from the layout.
render(Graphics) - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveView
draw everything
render(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.PValueCurveView
Draw Rank Vista
render(Graphics) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaCurveView
draw curve and annotation
renderInitialize() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
Initialize rendered This should be called every time the curve is rendered.
repaint() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
override VistaPanel repaint
repaintTracerPanels() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
repaint all TracerPanels
Repeat - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
Repeat represents a segment of a DNA sequence that is a repeated portion.
Repeat(String, long, long, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat
REPEAT_HEIGHT - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
REPEAT_HEIGHT - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanelPicture
REPEAT_HEIGHT - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
REPEAT_HEIGHT - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanelPicture
REPEAT_OFFSET - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
REPEAT_OFFSET - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanelPicture
REPEAT_OFFSET - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
REPEAT_OFFSET - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanelPicture
repeatLegend(Graphics, Color, int, int, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
draw repeat legend
RepeatPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: RepeatPanel
RepeatPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
RepeatPanel(VistaApp, PageFormat) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
RepeatPanelPicture - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: RepeatPanelPicture
RepeatPanelPicture(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanelPicture
replaceChar(String, char, char) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
Replace all occurrences of one specified character with the other specified character.
replaceGraph(GeneralGraphView, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
replace Graph at the "i" position by another graph
requestAnnotations(String, long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
request Annotations from the server
requestAnnotations(String, long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
request Annotations from server
rereadInitInfo(HashMap) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
reread Init Info
reRenderOff() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
switch reRender Off
reRenderOn() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
switch reRender On
reset() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
reset some variables and repaint
resetBaseGenome(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
reset Base Genome
resetConnection() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
set connection to null
resetCounter1() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
start 20 min counter
resetCounter2() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
start 30 sec counter
resetCounter3() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
start 0.5 sec min counter
resetDefaultBaseGenome() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
reset Default Base Genome
resetDelay() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifGraphicEx
Reset delay
resetDelay() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
Reset delay.
resetOrgList() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
reset Org List
resetPicture() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
reset annotation Picture
resetPicture() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
reset Picture parameters
resetPicture() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
reset picture size and margins
resetPrintedGraphs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
clear list of printed graphs
resetTransparency() - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
Reset transparency
resetXBorders() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
Resource - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: Resource
Resource(InputStream) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Resource
resource - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
This public parameter provides access to the default section of the resource file.
resources - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This holds any resources for this page
RETRIES - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
retrieveInitInfo() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
retrieve Init Info
retrieveInitInfoDone - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
RIGHT - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanelPicture
RIGHT - Static variable in interface layout.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the component is right justified in its cell
rightSpace - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
RNA - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat
rootID - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutput
This is used to track the /Root object (catalog)
rotate - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Specifies the number of degrees the page should be rotated clockwise when it is displayed.
row1 - Variable in class layout.TableLayoutConstraints
Cell in which the upper left corner of the component lays
row2 - Variable in class layout.TableLayoutConstraints
Cell in which the lower right corner of the component lays
ROW_HEIGHT - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
rowOffset - Variable in class layout.TableLayout
Offsets of rows in pixels.
rowSize - Variable in class layout.TableLayout
Heights of rows in pixels
rowSpec - Variable in class layout.TableLayout
Heights of rows expressed in absolute and relative terms
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.AboutAction
Just open an "about" window
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.AddAction
Open dialog window with a list of available curves and parameters for them
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.BackAction
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.DetailsAction
Open text browser window
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ForwardAction
just empty method
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.HelpAction
Open new internet browser window with a link to our help pages
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.PageSetupAction
Show a standatd dialog window with paper settings There are some problems with printing from an applet in java 1.5
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.PrintAction
Show standatd dialogs window with printer and paper settings This must be done to initialise properly printJob There are some problems with printing from an applet in java 1.5
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.PrinterSetupAction
Show standatd dialog window with printer settings There are some problems with printing from an applet in java 1.5
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.RemoveAction
Remove selected curves from the browser window
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.SaveAsAction
Open dialog window in which you can select one of three available data formats, then send file to the server and open internet browser with a link on this file.
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ScrollBackwardAction
Try to show new data interval shfted to the left.
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ScrollForwardAction
Try to show new data interval shfted to the right.
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.SettingsAction
Open a dialog window with all curve settings.
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.StatAction
Open a dialog window with some conservation statistics for each curve
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.SwapCurvesAction
Try to set genome of the socond organism as a primary genome
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.UCSCBrowserAction
If more than one alternative browsers available, show popup menu and finish its work.
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.VAbstractAction
Override run method if you want to execute action in a separate thread.
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ZoomInAction
Try to decrease data interval.
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ZoomOutAction
Try to increase data interval.
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GeneSearchPanel
do all work to find gene or other named sequence
run() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Main thread of the applet.


SaveAsAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Save Your Data
SaveAsAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.SaveAsAction
SaveAsAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.SaveAsAction
SaveAsDialog - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog
Title: SaveAsDialog
SaveAsDialog(JApplet, String, boolean, int, Callback) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.SaveAsDialog
SaveAsDialog() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.SaveAsDialog
SaveAsPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
This panel must be raplaced by dialogs.xml description and removed! That's why parameters are not included in VistaApp.rc
SaveAsPanel(ActionDialog, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SaveAsPanel
saveData(OutputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.SaveAsAction
send bytes to the output stream
ScrollBackwardAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
ScrollBackwardAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ScrollBackwardAction
ScrollBackwardAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ScrollBackwardAction
scrollbar - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
ScrollForwardAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Scroll Forward
ScrollForwardAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ScrollForwardAction
ScrollForwardAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ScrollForwardAction
SearchResultsDialog - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog
Title: SearchResultsDialog
SearchResultsDialog(JApplet, String, boolean, int, Callback) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.SearchResultsDialog
SearchResultsDialog() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.SearchResultsDialog
SearchResultsPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
SearchResultsPanel(ActionDialog, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SearchResultsPanel
SEASCAPE - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Specifies that the page is in SEASCAPE orientation.
select() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
select the graph view
selectChildren() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
select all Children
selected - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
selectGraph(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
select Graph in index position
sendRequest(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
send Request
servletURL - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
Set_ChromSegment(ChromSegment, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
Set ChromSegment
setAbsoluteLocation(Point) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Set the absolute upper left world location point for this box
setAnnotations(Vector) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
set Annotations
setAnnotations(Vector) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AnnotationPanel
set Annotations
setAnnotations(Vector) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.RepeatPanel
set annotations
setApplet(VistaApp) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
set the Applet
setArrows() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
set buttons with Arrows in the bottom panel
setAsDefault(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
set curve as Default
setAuthor(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
Set the value of author.
setBackground(byte) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifScreenDescriptor
Set background
setBaseGenome(CurveInfo, Vector) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
set Base Genome
setBaseGenome(Status) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
set Base Genome from status
setBaseGenome(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
set Base Genome
setBaseGenome(GenomeInfo) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
set baseGenome
setBorder(short, double) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
Sets the border for the annotation.
setBorder(double, double[]) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
Sets the border for the annotation.
setCheckable(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
set curve Checkable mode
setCheckedCurves(Vector) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
set list of Checked Curves
setChrom(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
set current chromosome
setChromosome(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
set Chromosome
setChromosome(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
set Chromosome
setClip(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Clips to a set of coordinates
setClip(Shape) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
As my JDK docs say, this may break with Java 2D.
setCodeBaseURL(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
set CodeBase URL
setColor(Color) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Sets the colour for drawing
setColumn(double[]) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Adjusts the number and sizes of rows in this layout.
setColumn(int, double) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Adjusts the width of a single column in this layout.
setComment(String) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifCommentEx
Set the comment.
setComponent(JComponent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Component
setComponentsAction(String, AbstractAction) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.VistaDialog
set Components Action
setCompSize(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
set GeneralGraphComp Size
setConstraints(Component, TableLayoutConstraints) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Sets the constraints of a given component.
setContig(String, ChromInfo) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
setContig (Chromosome)
setContig(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
setText (contig name) for current contig label
setContig(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.CursorInfoPanel
set Contig name in the contig Label
setContigs(Vector) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
set Contigs
setContigs(Vector) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ContigPanel
set Contigs
setCreator(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
Set the value of creator.
setCurrentPos(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
set Current Position
setCurveInfo(CurveInfo) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
set CurveInfo
setCurveModel(CurveModel) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Curve Model
setCurveModel(CurveModel) - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveView
set Curve Model
setCurveModels(Collection) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
set collection of Curve Models
setDangerous(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Some actions set dangerous field in true in order to disable other actions.
setData(TreeMap) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
set Data points
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Debuging mode
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Resource
set Debug mode of the parser
setDebugExceptions(boolean) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
enable or disable printing of exceptions
setDebugLevel(String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
debugInit = "1" or "init" debugProgress = "2" or "progress" debugComm = "4" or "comm" debugAction = "8" or "action" debugException = "16" or "exception" debug All = 1|2|4|8|16 or "all"
setDebugMode(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Debug
Set debug mode
setDefault(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
setDefaultBaseGenome() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
set Default Base Genome
setDefaultLineWidth() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This extension sets the line width to the default of 1mm which is what Java uses when drawing to a PrintJob.
setDeflate(boolean) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFStream
setDelay(int) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifGraphicEx
Set delay timing
setDelay(int) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
Set delay.
setDeleted(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
mark curve as Deleted
setDeleted(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
set genome as Deleted
setDetails() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
Enable or disable detailsAction
setDetailsActionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
call setEnabled(boolean) for detailsAction and detailsAction2
setDragged(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
Is called when mouse button is pressed and mouse moved
setDsEnd(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
set DataSet End
setDsStart(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
set DataSet Start
setElementAt(Object, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
set visible element in pos
setEnd(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
set End
setFixedRows(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
set number of rows to show in the Display Panel
setFont(Font) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This sets the font.
setForwardBackBtns() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Enable od disable >> or/ond << button
setFullString(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Sets the full string associated with getStringBounds
setGenomes(HashMap) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
setGraphModel(GeneralGraphModel) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
set Graph Model
setGraphPos(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
set position of the graph view in the display panel
setGraphView(GeneralGraphView) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Graph View
setGraphView(GeneralGraphView) - Method in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveView
set GraphView
setHeight(int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Set the value of height.
setImage(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Set the image
setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
set new image created by somebody else.
setImageableArea(PageFormat) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
setI mageable Area from the pages Imageable area
setImageableArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Imageable Area from the parameters
setImageName(PDFImage) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
Sets a unique name to a PDFImage
setInterval(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
setIterationCount(int) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
set iteration count
setIterationCount(int) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifNsAppEx
Set iteration count.
setKeywords(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
Set the value of keywords.
setLineNumber(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Line Number
setLineWidth(double) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This extension allows the width of the drawn line to be set
setLink(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
set Link
setLocation() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
center dialog window
setLocation() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.VistaDialog
center dialog window
setLocation() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.SplashWindow
center the window on the screen
setLongName(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
set Long Name
setLongName(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
setMarginLeft(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Left Margin
setMarginRight(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Right Margin
setMarginRight(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set right Margin
setMargins(PageFormat) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Margins from the page margins
setMargins(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Margins from the parameters
setMarginTop(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Top Margin
setMaxX(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Max X
setMaxX(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Max X
setMaxX(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Max X
setMaxY(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
set Max Y
setMaxY(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.PCurveModel
set Max Y
setMaxY(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Max Y
setMedia(Rectangle) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Sets the media size for this page.
setMinMaxX(long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Min and Max X
setMinMaxX(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Min and Max X
setMinX(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Min X
setMinX(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Min X
setMinX(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Min X
setMinY(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
set Min Y
setMinY(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.PCurveModel
set Min Y
setMinY(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
set Min Y
setMinY(double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Min Y
setName(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Set the name
setName(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
set Name
setName(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GeneralGraphModel
setName(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
set Name
setNewHeight(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
setNewSize(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
This method is called from JavaScript and sets new applet size.
setNewWidth(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
setNumDataPoints(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
setOrgLabel(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
set OrgLabel text: number of available organisms
setOrgLabel(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
set orgLabel
setOrgList(Vector, Vector) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.BaseInfoPanel
set List of Organisms
setOrientation() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This sets the media Orientation (0=Portrait, 90=Landscape, 180=Inverse, 270=Seascape).
setOrientation(int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Sets the page's orientation.
setOutline(PDFOutline) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFCatalog
This sets the root outline object
setPage(PageFormat) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Page
setPaintMode() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Not implemented, as this is not supported in the PDF specification.
setParam(String, Object) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
replace an object in the parameters Map
setParent(BoundingBox) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Make the specified box this box's parent
setParent(GeneralGraphView) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
set Parent
setPDFInfo(PDFInfo) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
Set the PDFInfo object, which contains author, title, keywords, etc
setPosition(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
set Position of the model among other models
setPosition(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.CursorInfoPanel
set position string in the position Label
setPositionString(String, String, String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
set position from parameters
setPositionString(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
set position (chromosome, start, end) from formated string
setPrintCapacity(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
Set number of graphs and lines to be printed
setReady(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
setRealChrom(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
set Real Chromosome mode
setRegion(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GeneSearchPanel
set string in the TextField
setRow(double[]) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Adjusts the number and sizes of rows in this layout.
setRow(int, double) - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Adjusts the height of a single row in this layout.
setRowCount(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
setRun(Integer) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
set Selected
setSelectedIndices(int[]) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
select lines in the bottom panel curve list
setServletURL(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
set Servlet URL
setSettings() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
SettingsAction can be enabled only if all curves are of the same type
setSettingsVisible(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Enable or disable settings actions
setSize(double, double) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Size
setSize() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set size from the default component
setSize(JComponent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set size from the component
setSize(PageFormat) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Size from the page
setSize(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
set Size from the parameters
setStart(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
set Start
setStringArray(String[]) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Set the value of the string array
setStroke(Stroke) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
set Stroke
setSubject(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
Set the value of subject.
setText(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.LinkLabel
add some html decoration to the text
setThumbnail(PDFObject) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
This adds an object that describes a thumbnail for this page.
SettingsAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Curve Settings Action
SettingsAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.SettingsAction
SettingsAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.SettingsAction
setTip(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.UCSCBrowserAction
set action toolTip according to an alternative browser type
setTitle(String) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
Set the value of title.
setTracerPanel(TracerPanel) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
set Tracer Panel
setTransparency(Color) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifGraphicEx
Set transparency.
setTransparency(Color) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
Set transparency.
setUCSCActionTip(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Set ToolTip for UCSC action button and menu.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
set curve Visible
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
set Visible mode
setWidth(int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Set the value of width.
setXBorders(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
set Borders of the selected region
setXORMode(Color) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Not implemented, as this is not supported in the PDF specification.
setYLabel(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
set Y Label Text
setYLabelOrientation(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
set Y Label Orientation
setZ(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
this parameter can be 0 or 1.
shortenString(String, Font, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
shorten string is useful if string is long and does not fit in width.
shortenString(String, Font, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
remove last characters from the string until its width is less or equal the maximum parameter
show() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
hidden = false
showCursor() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
show tracer
showGraph(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
show Graph
SINE - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat
singleCell - Variable in class layout.TableLayout.Entry
Does the component occupy a single cell
size() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
return number of visible elements
sjg.xml - package sjg.xml
Simple XML parser
SOLID - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
Solid border.
SOLID_STROKE - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
Sort() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
sort(long[]) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.QSortAlgorithm
return sorted array
SplashWindow - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: SplashWindow
SplashWindow(JApplet) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.SplashWindow
split(String, String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
split the string using token.
split(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
split the string using token.
STANDARD_BOLD_FONT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
STANDARD_FONT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
STANDARD_FONT11 - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
started - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
startProgress(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Start RIGHT-TOP DNA Icon rotation set ready(false), stop timers, disable GUI, write comment in the status bar
startsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
return true if firts strings start with the same letters, ignoring letter case
startTracerPanel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
StatAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Statistics Action
StatAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.StatAction
StatAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.StatAction
StatDialog - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog
Title: StatDialog
StatDialog(JApplet, String, boolean, int, Callback) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.StatDialog
StatDialog() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.StatDialog
StatPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
StatPanel(ActionDialog, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.StatPanel
Status - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: Status
Status(GenomeInfo, String, Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Status
stopProgress() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Stop RIGHT-TOP DNA Icon rotation start timers, enable GUI, remove comment from the status bar
STR_CANCEL - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
STR_OK - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
StringInputStream - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
StringInputStream(Reader) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringInputStream
StringTooLongException - Exception in gnu.jpdf
This exception is thrown from BoundingBox if the string won't fit into the box
StringTooLongException(String) - Constructor for exception gnu.jpdf.StringTooLongException
Normally this exception is constructed with a message containing information about the sizes of the parent and child box, and maybe the string that caused the overflow.
StringUtil - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
StringUtil() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.StringUtil
stroke - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
subtract(BoundingBox, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Removes the child box from this parent box.
SUBTRACT_FROM_BOTTOM - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Used to subtract a child from a box, *leaving* the bottom portion
SUBTRACT_FROM_LEFT - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Used to subtract a child from a box, *leaving* the left portion
SUBTRACT_FROM_RIGHT - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Used to subtract a child from a box, *leaving" the right portion
SUBTRACT_FROM_TOP - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Used to subtract a child from a box, *leaving* the top portion
SuperContig - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
SuperContig is a row of data retrieved from one of the chr%_short tables.
SuperContig(int, String, long, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.SuperContig
swapCurves() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Switch base genome.
SwapCurvesAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Swap Curves
SwapCurvesAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.SwapCurvesAction
SwapCurvesAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.SwapCurvesAction
swapElements(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.GraphViewList
swap 2 graphViews.
swapGraphs(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
swap 2 selected Graphs graph1<=>graph2


TableLayout - Class in layout
TableLayout is a layout manager that arranges components in rows and columns like a spreadsheet.
TableLayout() - Constructor for class layout.TableLayout
Constructs an instance of TableLayout.
TableLayout(double[][]) - Constructor for class layout.TableLayout
Constructs an instance of TableLayout.
TableLayout.Entry - Class in layout
TableLayout.Entry(Component, TableLayoutConstraints) - Constructor for class layout.TableLayout.Entry
Constructs an Entry that binds a component to a set of constraints.
TableLayoutConstants - Interface in layout
Constants used by TableLayout.
TableLayoutConstraints - Class in layout
The following inner class is used to bind components to their constraints.
TableLayoutConstraints() - Constructor for class layout.TableLayoutConstraints
Constructs an TableLayoutConstraints with the default settings.
TableLayoutConstraints(String) - Constructor for class layout.TableLayoutConstraints
Constructs an TableLayoutConstraints from a string.
TableLayoutConstraints(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class layout.TableLayoutConstraints
Constructs an TableLayoutConstraints a set of constraints.
testPosition(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
thumbnail - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
Object ID that contains a thumbnail sketch of the page.
TITLE_BORDER_FONT - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
toArray(Vector) - Static method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFObject
This utility method returns a String containing an array definition based on a Vector containing PDFObjects
Tokenizer - Class in sjg.xml
Tokenizer for the parser.
Tokenizer(String) - Constructor for class sjg.xml.Tokenizer
tooSmall - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
top - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
TOP - Static variable in interface layout.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the component is top justified in its cell
topSpace - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
toString() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFObject
Returns the unique serial number in PDF format
toString() - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFXref
toString() - Method in exception gnu.jpdf.StringTooLongException
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.BrowserInfo
return formated XML string
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ChromInfo
return XML formatted summary
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
return summary string
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CustomCurveModel
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromPosition
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
return XML formatted summary string
toString(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
return XML formatted summary string
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
return XML formatted string
toString(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Contig
return XML formatted string
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gap
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gene
return XML formatted string
toString(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Gene
return XML formatted string
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.PValue
return XML formatted string
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat
return XML formatted string
toString(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat
return XML formatted string
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.SuperContig
return XML formatted string
toString(long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.SuperContig
return XML formatted string
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenesInfo
return XML formatted summary
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.GenomeInfo
return XML formatted summary string
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
return summary string
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
return text column with all points
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.CurveParameters
return parameters summary
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
return component model name
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
return graph name
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
return summary string
toString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Status
return string with the status summary
toString() - Method in class layout.TableLayout
Converts this TableLayout to a string.
toString() - Method in class layout.TableLayoutConstraints
Gets a string representation of this TableLayoutConstraints.
toString() - Method in class sjg.xml.Comment
Returns the data of this data section.
toString() - Method in class sjg.xml.Data
Returns the data of this data section.
toString() - Method in class sjg.xml.Document
Returns the textual representation of this document.
toString() - Method in class sjg.xml.Element
Returns a textual representation of this element.
toString() - Method in class sjg.xml.ProcessingInstruction
Returns the textual representation of this pi.
touches(ChromSegment) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegment
Returns true if the specified Chromosome segment either intersects or is adjacent to this Segment.
toURLString() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
tracerImage - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
TracerPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: TracerPanel
TracerPanel(VGBPanel, DisplayPanel, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
translate(int, int) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
Translate the origin.
translate(int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
translate imageable area
translate(int, int, int, int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
change size and position of the imageable area
trax - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This is used to translate coordinates
tray - Variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFGraphics
This is used to translate coordinates
type - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CurveInfo
TYPES - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Repeat


UCSCBrowserAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: Alternative Browser action
UCSCBrowserAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.UCSCBrowserAction
UCSCBrowserAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.UCSCBrowserAction
UIConstants - Interface in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: User Interface Constants
uiInit() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
build graph view
UNDERLINED - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
The border is drawn as a line on the bottom of the annotation rectangle
Union(ChromSegments) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.ChromSegments
return Union of two segment collections
unlockDown() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ArrowsPanel
Enable Down Button
unlockUp() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ArrowsPanel
Enable Up Button
unselect() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
unselect the graph view
unselectAllGraphs() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
unselect all Graphs
unselectChildren() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView
unselect all Children
UP - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AxisPanelPicture
UP2DATE - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
upDate() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
currently Not used Check server for new and deleted curves and new versions since start time.
updateColor(Color) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifColor
Update color entry
updateColorTable(Color) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImage
Update color table
updateContig(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
updateCurrPosition(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
updatePosition() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
update Position
updatePosition() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
updatePosition is a key method for geting curves.
updatePosition(long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
updatePosition is a key method for geting curves.
updatePosition(String) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
updatePosition is a key method for geting curves.
updatePosition(String, long, long) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
updatePosition is a key method for geting curves.
updateSelectList() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
update Select List in the bottom panel curve list
USENONE - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This page mode indicates that the document should be opened just with the page visible.
USEOUTLINES - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This page mode indicates that the Outlines should also be displayed when the document is opened.
useParameters - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
USETHUMBS - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This page mode indicates that the Thumbnails should be visible when the document first opens.
Utr - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common.features
Utr represents a specific chromosome coordinate span.
Utr(String, long, long) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.features.Utr


va - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
va - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.VAbstractAction
va - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.ActionDialog
va - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
va - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
va - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
VAbstractAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
Title: VAbstractAction
VAbstractAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.VAbstractAction
VAbstractAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.VAbstractAction
vAlign - Variable in class layout.TableLayoutConstraints
Verical justification if component occupies just one cell
values - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.AbstractActionDialogPanel
VERSION - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.CommUnit
VERT_ALIGN_BOTTOM - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Used to align a String at the bottom of the box
VERT_ALIGN_CENTER - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Used to a align a String centered vertically
VERT_ALIGN_TOP - Static variable in class gnu.jpdf.BoundingBox
Used to align a String at the top of the box
vertSize - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
VGBException - Exception in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: VGBException
VGBException() - Constructor for exception gov.lbl.genome.common.VGBException
VGBException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.lbl.genome.common.VGBException
VGBException(String, int) - Constructor for exception gov.lbl.genome.common.VGBException
VGBPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: VGBPanel
VGBPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
VGBPanel(VistaApp, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VGBPanel
VGBPanel requires VistaApp parameter because all applets use one and the same JVM and we can not use static reference.
view - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
ViewSettings - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
ViewSettings(Integer, int, int, String, ChromSegment, int, int, double, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.ViewSettings
visible() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
VISTA_CURVE_TYPE - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.common.CommonConstants
VistaApp - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: VistaApp
VistaApp() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
VistaApp is the main class of the applet
VistaCurveInfo - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: VistaCurveInfo
VistaCurveInfo(String, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
VistaCurveInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
VistaCurveInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
VistaCurveInfo(String, String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
VistaCurveInfo(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveInfo
VistaCurveModel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.common
Title: VistaCurveModel
VistaCurveModel(String, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
VistaCurveModel(TreeMap, String, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
VistaCurveModel(TreeMap, String, int, int, int, Vector, int, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.common.VistaCurveModel
VistaCurveView - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: VistaCurveView
VistaCurveView(VistaCurveModel, GeneralGraphView, Color) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaCurveView
VistaDialog - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog
Title: Standard dialog slass
VistaDialog(Frame, Element, HashMap, Callback) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.dialog.VistaDialog
VistaLabel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui
Title: VistaLabel
VistaLabel() - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaLabel
VistaLabel(String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaLabel
VistaModelConstants - Interface in gov.lbl.genome.common
VistaPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: VistaPanel
VistaPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
VistaPanel(VistaApp, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
VistaPanel(VistaApp, PageFormat, int) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
VistaPanel(VistaApp, PageFormat) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel


wait_cursor - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
waitCursor - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.VistaPanel
waitMouseCursor() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.TracerPanel
show wait mouse cursos
westMouseCursor() - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.ChromPanel
set mouse cursor to the westCursor
width - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
width - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphComp
width - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
widthString - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.SaveAsPanel
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
Stop dataPuller thread when closing
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.VistaApp
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFAnnot
Should this be public??
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFBorder
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFCatalog
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFDocument
This writes the document to an OutputStream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFFont
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Compression needs to be improved here
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFInfo
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFObject
Writes the object to the output stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutline
write(PDFObject) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutput
This method writes a PDFObject to the stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage.procset
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPage
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFPageList
write(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFStream
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifColor
Write gif color
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifCommentEx
Write comment this block.
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifGraphicEx
Write this block
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifImageDescriptor
Write image descriptor
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifNsAppEx
Write the block
write(DataOutputStream) - Method in class ranab.img.gif.GifScreenDescriptor
write screen descriptor
writeblock(int, Vector) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFOutput
Writes a block of references to the PDF file
writeEnd(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFObject
The write method should call this after writing anything to the OutputStream.
writeStart(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFObject
The write method should call this before writing anything to the OutputStream.
writeStream(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFImage
Writes the image to the stream
writeStream(OutputStream) - Method in class gnu.jpdf.PDFStream
This inserts the Streams length, then the actual stream, finally the end of stream/object markers.


X(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
correct x coordinates
X_TYPE - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
XAxisPanel - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel
Title: XAxisPanel
XAxisPanel(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.XAxisPanel
XAxisPanel(VistaApp, PageFormat) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.XAxisPanel
xDifference - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
xDisplay(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
convert screen coordinate into the graph coordinate
xend - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
xPoints - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
xstart - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.panel.DisplayPanel
xUnits - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel


Y(int) - Method in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
correct y coordinates
Y_AXIS_OFFSET_WIDTH - Static variable in interface gov.lbl.genome.gui.UIConstants
Y_TYPE - Static variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractCurveModel
yDifference - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
yLabel - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
yLabelOrientation - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
yPoints - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.AbstractCurveView
yUnits - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.common.AbstractGraphModel
yUnitsFormat - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.GeneralGraphView


z - Variable in class gov.lbl.genome.gui.Picture
ZoomInAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
ZoomInAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ZoomInAction
ZoomInAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ZoomInAction
ZoomOutAction - Class in gov.lbl.genome.gui.action
ZoomOutAction(VistaApp) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ZoomOutAction
ZoomOutAction(VistaApp, String) - Constructor for class gov.lbl.genome.gui.action.ZoomOutAction